Rihanna on Chris
06Nov2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 10:49 PM Labels: entertainment, violenceSo You Think You Can Dance... season 6 begins
30Oct2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 11:38 PM Labels: entertainmentI thought this past summer's series was mediocre at best... and so far this season of So You Think You Can Dance is not grabbing my attention. But as a fan of dance I will watch faithfully each week.
I have always been a fan of dance, even before my years working at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, where I was exposed to many different dance styles. But Tap has never been a favorite... never even a like for me. Very surprised that they decided on three tappers... and their opening introductions are so annoying. I was disappointed at the judges decision to send Arianna home. Not only was she a cutey... but she was by far not the worse female dancer last night.
Victor Smalley and Bianca's Travis Wall's routine was by far my favorite. Victor is a cute guy and probably the only thing to swoon over this season. He definitely brought it in that routine. The contemporary piece was steamy, passionate, and filled with emotions, that also required a lot of strength to accomplish the moves.
I am excited to see what the choreographers bring this season while Victor is a cutey... I guess every season can't have Danny Tidwell...
One thing that annoys the shit out of me is stupidity. Because stupidty can be prevented by listening and educating yourself on the subject at hand.
Yesterday the DC Council held an open forum for citizens to speak about the upcoming vote on the Same Sex Marriage Bill before the council. Below you have a prime case of stupidity.
I wish people would understand two things: (1) The United States of America Constitution's 1st Amendement states that there is a freedom of religion in this country. This means the government can not pass a bill based on your religious beliefs on how I should conduct my life. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (2) this is not even a religious debate... so keep your Bible quotes in your church where they belong.
Push, a novel by Sapphire
17Oct2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 9:51 PM Labels: publications, reviewsI had never heard of this book before Oprah and Tyler Perry started talking about their part in bringing it to the big screen earlier this year. It wasn't until I started seeing the trailers of Lee Daniel's upcoming film called Precious which is based on this novel that I wanted to read the novel.
I guess I should have posted this sooner... but I have just been uninspired which is why I haven't written anything. Which is odd because there is a lot going on or not going on.
Two years ago I left the association event planning world to go into the private sector and started working in the hospitality industry which I had been planning to do for years prior. Well with the fall out of the economy it has proven to not have been the absolute best time for that transition. Luxury hotels have been hit extremely hard. With occupancy and revenue down, we have seen several lay offs and hiring freezes. I am thankful to God that I have escaped two rounds of layoffs but getting the promotion (and much needed salary bump)that was on my career plan is pretty much on hold. But yet again glad to have a job and coworkers I enjoy seeing every day.
I have several trips coming up... NY at the beginning of November for a housewarming party. And then a 2 week vacation around Thanksgiving that will take me to Atlanta, Birmingham, Auburn, and St. Kitts ... and will end the vacation in NY at a friends birthday party. 5 cities in 14 days... I am going to need 2 more days just to rest.
As for the personal side of life... I decided earlier this summer not to discuss that on here for now out of courtesy of a mutual agreement to keep things out of discussions. Things are good... could be better... but definitely content with what I have now.
I just picked up Saphhire's Push (aka the movie Precious) at the Barnes and Noble near my job... it should only take a day to finish this small book especially on a rainy weekend like this... and I am sure it will give me something to write about so I will be back soon.
And that is what is going on with me... sorry for the long pause.
Farewell... Ted Kennedy
26Aug2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:08 AM Labels: farewell, politicsThe Nine Lives of Marion Barry...
11Aug2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 7:29 PM Labels: DC, politics, reviews Before watching HBO's documentary, The Nine Lives of Marion Barry, I never quite understood why DC's Ward 8, the blackest and poorest ward, kept electing 'this crack head' into office.
The film chronicles DC's former mayor's 2004 City Council campaign by looking back at Barry's long love affair and political career with Washington. Barry served second elected mayor of Washington DC from 1979 to 1991, and again as the fourth mayor from 1995 to 1999. During his original tenure of mayor DC prospered to having the largest black middle class in the country. But like Barry, the prevalence of crack in the 80s took that away.
I learned a lot from the 90 minute documentary... I never knew the civil rights activist and organizer that Barry was. And quite a cat daddy in his past. But like all good things they must come to an end. Since his federal drug bust in 1990, the former mayor has continued on the same controversial path. From tax evasion, to failing court ordered drug tests, even to his most recent Washington City Paper expose. He has proven by his continuous lack in judgement he has no right to serve the city of Washington or be a role mode to the many young residents. Like Chris Rock said... how can you teach kids not to smoke crack... when all they will say is why not when I can smoke crack and become mayor.
Recently in response to the City Council's vote to recognize gay marriage, Barry stated "All hell is going to break loose. We may have a civil war. The black community is just adamant against this." Well Mr. Barry... not the entire black community.
Random Thoughts this Monday Morning...
10Aug2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 11:14 AM Labels: random thoughtsThe Almost Real Housewives of Atlanta... are back...
30Jul2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 11:50 PM Labels: atlanta, entertainment, Real Housewives of Atlanta, reviews The ladies are back with a New Attitude, in the Same ATL... and last night's episode was full of plenty laughs... from the beginning to the very well scripted end. But for me the humor came from things I am sure the producer's weren't planning... or were they?!
Kim is back and now that "Big Poppa" has kicked her to the curb... she is off to her next hair brain idea of creating a wig line... with no knowledge of hair or interest in learning... I am sure this idea will go as far as her country CD. Lisa had the most boring storyline in the first episode... debating on having a second child at 38... I hope she doesn't turn into the boring one that is no longer on the show... can't think of her name for the life of me. Speaking of last season's boring one, Kandi from Xscape joins... she brought me a lot of comedy from when she walked into Lisa's house with that awful hair style... to when she was singing in her home studio sounding quite awful... to when her daughter said she didn't want her mother to marry the man with 6 kids... pure comedy.

But by far the best part of the first episode was the obviously scripted fight between She by Sheree and her alleged party planner. This woman has no job or career but has more parties than anyone in Atlanta... I wonder are these rent parties? Remember the fashion show with no fashions... how dreadful. The fight while fake was quite funny... especially when the planner tells She by Sheree that her mother is a bitch too... I am definitely looking forward to seeing what the writers and producers have in store this season. It will be interesting if the She by Sheree and NeNe truce lasts and if Kim finds a friend after what seems like everyone ganging up on her.
Farewell... E. Lynn Harris
24Jul2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 12:07 PM Labels: farewell, publicationsMe in New York... A possibility
22Jul2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 9:29 AM Labels: personal, travel I have spent a lot of time over the years visiting New York... but after this past 4 day weekend, I finally saw myself as possibly being able to live in this city.
Granted this trip was a little different from any of my previous trips. I had a suite on the 38th floor of the Four Seasons Hotel... I spent most of my time in the midtown areas versus my usual stops in the Village and SoHo... and I had the opportunity to visit my company's luxurious office right off Park Avenue.
Now I know I would not be able to afford to live off Madison and 57th... but if a position opens up in that office I am going to be all over it.
The hot weekend was capped off by partying with friends including a hotel lobby pool party and a rooftop Junior Vasquez party... definitely a great weekend in the city.

The MJ/Pepsi Commercial... ouch
15Jul2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 4:26 PM Labels: entertainmentWendy Williams teaches Jimmy Fallon... How You Doin?
14Jul2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:50 PMMusic is back... Thanks Maxwell
Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 9:07 AM Labels: entertainment, reviews It has been 8 years but this past Tuesday, Maxwell finally released "BLACKsummers' Night," the first part of a trilogy he plans to deliver over the next few years. I first mentioned his return in February 2007... and it took a full 2 and a half years for it to come to fruition.
Worth the wait... I am unsure but I will say I have thoroughly enjoyed the CD this past week. Maxwell's approach to this album is the same as his prior albums and what makes him stand out as an artist. Unlike the current selections of R&B music on the scene, whose music is meant to be catchy, quickly absorbed and feature lyrics that would be better suited for a nursery rhyme or sidewalk jump rope.
For me his stand alone hits on the album are Prettywings, which has been tempted and teased since 2007 and Bad Habits, the CD opener, and Fistfull of Tears. Like his other albums I can listen all the way through and will definitely use the CD as background music at the next dinner party. Unlike other music out there Maxwell not only uses but features live instrumentation.. which for me is one component of great music.
Seeing that I saw Maxwell in concert back in November... and the album is coming out 8 months later... I hope he doesn't fall victim to lack of marketing from Sony.
I think the genius of this album will become more apparent as the subsequent parts of the trilogy are released... but definitely think it was worth the purchase and constant rotation for awhile.
Shit Your Momma Should Have Taught You #8: Everybody wasn't raised the way you were raised.
13Jul2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:25 AM Labels: shit your momma should have taught you
I am amazed that I can still remember the first time my mother gave me this little jewel. It was a Saturday and like every Saturday, my mother, her sister, and her cousin and my four cousins would spend the Saturday at the mall and running errands. At some point during the day we were separated from my mother and aunt... and my mother's cousin bought her 2 kids icecream or something but not me and my other cousin. As we sat there and watched them enjoying it... I remember being pissed cause hell I wanted some too.
Later on that evening when me and my mother were on our way home I asked why I couldn't have any icecream or whatever it was. She started explaining why her cousin would do what she did but the only thing that stook out was... Everybody wasn't raised the way you were raised.
I have said before that I am far from perfect but definitely working on it. And before judging someone, I often go back to this thought my mother gave me when I wonder why people react or do things differently than how I would.
So recently a friend of mine got offended by something I relayed about him to a mutual friend. Instead of bringing it to my attention he went around to several of our mutual friends "putting me on blast". The thing that surprised me was that 1) it is nothing I haven't told him before already and 2) if he had an issue with it why has he never told me his alleged friend. While I was surprised by his actions... I just looked at it as maybe he wasn't raised the way I was to go to the root of your problem and decided to accept his way of dealing with it and approach him myself. Now that all has been cleared up... I thank my mother for helping me look at other peoples actions through their point of view.
Yes some people have asinine reactions or actions but you can't control that... you can only control what you say or do and once you let go of expectations of others life is alot easier.
.... will be calling Barack as soooooon as he gets back from Africa... this heffa has to be destroyed look what she is doing to the nation. its just not healthy.
Jennifer Hudson performs for Mike
Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 7:52 PM Labels: entertainment, farewell
8 month preggers and still perfoming!
And the Weekend Continues...
04Jul2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 10:09 AM Labels: DC, personalYes I Still Hate BET...
29Jun2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 2:37 PM Labels: dumb shit, entertainment, reviewsMichael Jackson: 1958 - 2009
25Jun2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 5:53 PM Labels: entertainment, farewellRandom Thoughts this Tuesday Morning...
23Jun2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:00 AM Labels: random thoughts 1. I wonder what Metro's ridership will be today... the day after two trains collide and sadly killed 7. Of course the media and people around DC and those annoying people with the texts and facebook messages make it seem as if it was the the biggest atrocity. Think about how many car accidents happen on the beltway... get your ass on the train.. scoot over... say a prayer and shutup.
2. If at 30(plus) you are constantly talking about people 'hating' on you. Maybe you should reevaluate your life, your circle, and reality itself.
3. So Chris Brown got... let me stop faking like I remotely give a fuck.
4. I hope Obama makes a simple statement about Iran that ends with "this is their business but we totally support the right to freedom of speech and protest and will not be getting involved." America has enough issues of its own to be running around like the World Police... I thought that was what the UN was for.
5. It amazes me after fucking America up for 4 years... people elected Bush to a second term. But yet they want Obama to pull a miracle out in 6 months.
6. oooo James Blake.... smh
7. Hi. I am C. Baptiste-Williams II and I am addicted to online shopping.
8. Almost out of credit card debt... I can actually see an end in sight... as long as I keep the laptop and credit cards in different rooms.
9. So somehow I finagled getting HBO out of Comcast for free for 6 months. Why do people pay to watch the same 4 movies all weekend... if it wasn't for Bill Mahr this would be a total waste.
10. The Game on BET... there may be hope for that channel yet.
Kristinia DeBarge is the daughter of Janet's first husband, James and is currently working with Babyface on her album. Kristinia was featured on this week's So You Think You Can Dance result show.
... nope not one
So we are in the second week of So You Think You Can Dance and as much as I love this show... this season has not yet captured me like previous seasons. Each week I look forward to seeing the different dance styles and if they can pull it off... but I am not tuning in to see any one dancer yet.
Like Season 3... I was glued to my TV to see Sabra and Danny dance their way from the top 20 to the top 2.
Hopefully someone will pull my interest more into this season...
Real (Boring) World Comes to DC
09Jun2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 9:56 AM Labels: DC, entertainment, Real World 20
Wanting to be a Princess... is a big deal.
08Jun2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:10 AM Labels: entertainment, it's a black thang, social commentaryI personally think a course in cultural sensitivity and diversity should be mandatory for everyone to graduate high school. I think we all could benefit from learning how to appreciate other's differences.
So recently I was sitting around with coworkers at lunch when a news story about the controversy over Disney's new African American princess came on. One coworker of another race couldn't understand why some people were upset that the first African American princess didn't have an African American prince. She stated I thought we have gotten pass the stigma of race mixing.
I simply turned to her and asked her when she was a little girl didn't she play with dolls and dream of being a princess and finding her prince? For 70 years Disney has been in the business of aspiring play and dreams... and it is important for all little girls to see that they could be princess just like all little boys need to see they could one day be princes. And little girls need to see that boys that look just like them could be princes as well.
Since living in Orlando at an early age, I have always been a Disney fan. And since first hearing Anika Noni Rose's voice I have been a fan. So it is needless to say this holiday season I will be sneaking away from work for a matinee or borrowing someone's child to go see this movie.
Toni Childs: Maya, how'd you get so smart?
Maya Wilkes: Oh, girl, I'm an authoress. I gots to know stuff.
Toni Childs: I guess you don't "gots" to know grammar.
Maya Wilkes: At least I didn't miss my baby's first doctor's appointment!
Toni Childs: At least I didn't leave my baby on the bus!
Maya Wilkes: Bus *stop*! Get it right, bitch.
Simply stated this was the best vacation I have ever taken with a group of friends.
The villa we rented was amazing, from the staff to the rooms to the view from the infinity pool... it was definitely first class the entire way. The house staff was quite impressive... I casually mentioned over the french toast breakfast that I wish we had a diet coke to one of my friends. Later that afternoon when I returned from the beach the fridge was stocked with a 12 pack of Coke Light (Mexico's version of Diet Coke).
The views and house were quite impressive... waking up in my suite to views of the Pacific and the city below made me just lay in bed for awhile each morning and just take it in.
The activities we took part in from chartering a private catamaran to zip lining through the Mexico forest, were all new adventures I was happy to share with my old and new friends.
There was no drama, no attitudes, just pure relaxing and fun for 6 days... we are all already anticipating our next trip.
I briefly noticed him when i first walked into the neighborhood Safeway. He stood 6'0, about 170lbs, nice athletic build accented by the navy tank and white cargo shorts that showed off his beach tanned biceps and calf muscles. Like I said briefly noticed.
Small talk by the orange juice as we laughed at how this store was always missing at least one thing you came to get and how we longed for the new store to be opening very soon.
A friendly smile by the pineapples which led to a conversation about his work out and him getting ready for Rehobeth next weekend (the weekend summer getaway for gays in the DMV). As he asked if I ever got up there.
As I had my head buried in the Haagan Dazs shelves with the cold air billowing out I heard his now familiar voice ask if it wasn't too forward for him to ask my number. As I continued to look for my Caramel Cone I gave out the 10 and said not at all. He smiled, told me to enjoy my ice cream and he would talk to me later.
I closed the door to this black woman looking me up and down and as if I invited her conversation she began to say there were too many gay black men in DC for me to be going after him. And ended with an offer to meet her coworker... I declined to blind dates and headed for the register feeling... damn I guess even for the gays people are anti interracial dating.
just skip to minute 1:04
I may be laying on a beach or maybe by the infiniti pool... but know my DVR is recording the season premiere of So You Think You Can Dance...
Universally Stupid
20May2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 9:24 AM Labels: DC, dumb shit, shopping
As if their clothes weren't expensive enough... the Universal Gear store in DC was robbed by a group of pathetic kids.
One thing I have never understood was stealing. How do you justify taking something that someone else has worked for... I will never understand.
Hmmm vaguely reminiscent of this post I did in 2006.
Random Thoughts this Monday Afternoon
18May2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 12:00 PM Labels: random thoughts
Web Cams, Youtube, and Beyonce must be destroyed!
Valentino: The Last Emperor
10May2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 12:35 PM Labels: fashion, reviewsI have always been a sucker for classic... timeless... breathtaking fashion. So when I learned of the documentary Valentino: The Last Emperor. I knew I would be there to have a front row seat to a documentary about a fashion titan's love of 'making women beautiful'.
The 90 minute film documents the very dramatic closing act of Valentino's celebrated 45 year career in fashion while exploring the larger themes affecting the current state of the fashion business today. But much to my surprise this film is much more than a fashion show of haute couture. But the heart of the film to me was the fly on the wall look at the unique relationship between Valentino and Gincarlo Giammetti, his business partner and companion since the start of his career. Giammetti remarks in the film, "To be with Valentino as a lover... as a friend... as an employee is all the same, you just need a lot of patience." While the two have never married, watching their relationship over the 2 years the film was shot shows you that it defies the need for what so many in this country are fighting for and against. Definitely an atypical loves story, the film shows a 50 year gay relationship changing fashion along the way.
The feature film also explores how the business world is affecting fashion. It is remarked in the film that the investors that now own most fashion houses are more interested in belts, perfume and other lucrative accessories than the actual clothes of the line. At the end of the film... I was left hoping and wondering how long would it be before investors like Primera would destroy such a name and legacy much like Pierre Cardin. The intimate scene between Valentino and Karl Lagerfield is priceless... as you see two titans of fashion come to grips that an era is ending.
The movie is not just a little fashion film or a collection of runway shows and model interviews, it is an in-depth movie exploring a meaningful relationship between two partners and a business... definitely a must see.
You Know You Need a Vacation when...
07May2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:00 AM Labels: personal, travel1. anything that comes out of your intern's mouth begins to make sense.
2. you find yourself day dreaming in the middle of a meeting... that you are leading.
3. ...
You would think it was the Harris Teeter or Publix that ran out of chicken... you #*$& people make me sick
No thanks go to That Dude Right There for sending me this clip... just gonna shake my head and see if my neighborhood Popeyes is running this special.
Not quite Obsessed...
25Apr2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 1:42 PM Labels: entertainment, reviewsIt has been quite an eventful week... i mean it was my birthday week so what should I expect.
The official partying started Wednesday with dinner at one of my favorite restaurants Central. I have been hanging out with Guy for a few weeks and he offered to treat me to dinner before my "weekend got to busy to squeeze him in"... or at least I think that is how he stated. The lobster burger and mac n cheese... were just what I needed!!
Thursday was the last day of the work week for me and day 2 of the celebration. Me and Lou had dinner at Good Stuff Eatery (if you watch Bravo's Top Chef this is Spike's new restaurant). Deemed an upscale burger joint... the food was good the atmosphere as dinerish... I would probably go back but Five Guys is cheaper and just as good. But the company was good... while Lou's accent is quite real it is also quite comedic to me.
Friday, I treated myself to breakfast at Cafe Mozu in the Mandarin Oriental hotel. The food was good... the service adequate... but hey it is a 4 star hotel (keep striving for that 5). An afternoon of errands and hanging out with friends led the evening to begin with drinks and dinner at Acadiana... more drinks at Halo... even more drinks at Liv. It pains me to say this but even though I am friends with most of DC's promoters... DC's black gay night life sucks. Homophobic bouncers at a gay club just does not make sense to me....
Saturday started off with lunch with 3 of my close friends at Lauriol Plaza... 3 pitchers of margaritas later we headed to Georgetown for more drinks... and then to my champagne and cake party. A good friend of mine had offered to host a party for me earlier in the week. And all the good intentions that went into planning the party and the birthday cake... the party took a quick turn for the worse. Long story short... someone who I thought was a close friend just stopped speaking to me all together but yet shows up to my party... I'm like why... was your evening that boring or something? And then I had invited a guy I had went out on a couple dates with who had also dated another friend. After being questioned twice on if I was ok... I came to find out there was some make believe triangle drama... I reassured a friend of mine that asked that I didn't want the dude and there was no drama we were all just friends... Quick exit to the club before more nonsense started... I mean it was my birthday and they were killing my buzz.
Sunday... I went to service at First Baptist of Glenarden and to a Baby Dedication ceremony. I then hit 95 north to Philadelphia. What would normally be an hour and 40 minute drive was 3 hours of bumper to bumper 25mph traffic. Drained and tired... I checked into the Four Seasons Philadelphia had dinner and a massage... and now I am relaxing in my room typing this blog...
The celebration continues Tuesday with dinner for one of my bestfriends' birthday...
An Hour of Tasha Mack... I'd be in heaven
06Apr2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 3:59 PM Labels: entertainment, it's a black thang
"I know -- I was like, 'Baby bump? As hard as I work on my abs!'"
Random Thoughts this Tuesday Morning...
Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 12:00 AM Labels: random thoughtsBill Mahr on the culture of America's Next Top Model
29Mar2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 10:00 AM Labels: entertainment, social commentaryAnd finally, New Rule: If you go to a cattle call audition for "America's Next Top Model" and get caught in a herd-like stampede, the title you really deserve is "America's Next Top Sirloin." Now, if you missed what happened when Tyra Banks sent out the "Bat Signal" last Saturday -- and asked women to come and try out for her show, here's a few seconds of it. [video clip shown of street mob rushing the building]
Work it, girls! Riots are fierce! You know, the big difference between this and an actual cattle call is that cows are better organized. And slimmer. People, please, I'm trying to help!
Look, instead of almost getting trampled to death trying to figure out if you're a top model, just ask yourself some basic questions: Are you six feet tall? Are you equal parts Brazilian, Ukrainian and Eskimo? Is Tom Brady f**king you? No? Then you're not a top model. You're just a hot chick with your thong sticking out.
Now, I'm not trying to be mean. It's just that being a model isn't a job that random doofuses off the street can apply for, like working at the Gap, or being head of the Republican National Committee.
Real models don't wait on lines. They snort them. A real model doesn't audition. She's chosen. One minute, you're a normal 14-year-old girl sucking down a chili dog outside a Tastee Freeze; and then a talent scout hands you his card, and then sleeps with you and never calls again. There, you're a model.
Which brings me to AIG. Not really, but there is a connection, which is, when did Americans become the something-for-nothings? When did we get this Lotto mentality that our only chance for success was to be plucked from obscurity and dropped onto Bret Michaels' Love Bus?
Or maybe it was when the super-wealthy - you know, the ones who create jobs when they get huge tax breaks - except they don't; they buy antique commodes and lap dances - maybe it was when those "job creators" stopped trickling the money down, leaving the working class with none of the gains and all of the cynicism that goes with thinking the game is fixed.
Maybe that's what leads to "Guitar Hero" culture, where everyone wants to be a rock star, but nobody wants to learn the chords.
You know, Paris and Nicole and Kim are nice girls. But, let's not forget, they do and have done nothing. Not even acted in anything they'd admit to. But, they're not reviled or dismissed for being ciphers. They're adored for it. Because they exemplify the national ideal: they got a lot for doing nothing.
The AIG guys wanted a lot for not just doing nothing, but for failing - no matter that they are the very people who schemed their company into the ground - they want their bonuses. And Myrna from Long Island wants to be a "Top Model"! F**k reality!!Well here's a reality check. America's actual top model for the last four years has been the Toyota Camry.
Shit Your Momma Should Have Taught You #7: Mind Your Damn Business
25Mar2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:00 AM Labels: shit your momma should have taught youFor example...
Him: What did you do last night?
Me: Dinner at Art and Soul.
Him: Oh who did you go with?
Me: Oh a friend of mine.
Him: Oh who?
Me: You are so fucking nosey... I told you what you needed
to know.
And what kills me the most is no matter how many times several people tell this person how nosey they are... they just do not get the point.
Not sure about the others but I choose to keep a lot of my personal life to myself, especially from boys that like to sit around like 2 gossiping girls and tell your business. When I was a child and I became too inquisitive my mother always called me on it and told me that somethings are just none of my business. I will never forget her once telling me... "Ask the questions you need to know, listen for what you want to know."
what is this child going through?
The OUTside of Relationships... episode 2
20Mar2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 12:04 PM Labels: gay, relationshipsFrom the creators of DL Chronicles comes a MySpace Video series about gay relationships....
The Outside of Relationships Season 1 Episode 2
Seeing they have been together 11 years... I don't mind listening to their perspective...
The Baddest Chick in the Game... at it again...
19Mar2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 11:47 PM Labels: ObamaAs I grabbed my OJ and settled into my couch yesterday to clip coupons and read the Post... my eyes were quickly grabbed by the headline announcing that at least 3% of D.C.'s residents have HIV or AIDS. While I always knew the HIV rate in DC was high... I thought after the last expose a few years ago the rate had to start trending downward.
What is most shocking is that the health department constitutes 1% as an epedimic and right here in the President's back yard, the Nation's capital has rates higher than some parts of West Africa. In real numbers this means over 15,000 of the city's more than 500,000 residents are positive. The report also found that almost half of those who had connections to the parts of the city with the highest AIDS prevalence and poverty rates said they had overlapping sexual partners within the past 12 months, three in five said they were aware of their own HIV status, and three in 10 said they had used a condom the last time they had sex.
After reading the article... I picked up the phone to call a friend that has been Part of the 3% for over ten years now. Before I could even say good morning... he was already discussing the article. We had both came to the conclusion that while there are a number of causes for this increase the main cause is that people just do not care. He reminded me of a time when his uncle, who is now in his 50s, and his friends would loose friends frequently because of AIDS and now that you do not see it happening as often and people are able to live with HIV... people just do not care or take it as serious.
Men having sex with men has remained the disease's leading mode of transmission. However, according to the report heterosexual transmission and injection drug use closely follow. Three percent of black women carry the virus, partly a result of the increase in heterosexual transmissions.
This girl must be destroyed!!
I'll never forget my first impression of Washington, DC. When I moved here the first time I flew into Baltimore-Washington International Airport and we took the BW Parkway into the city... as we cut across NE and NW to get to Alexandria, Virginia, where I lived initially, the first thing I noticed was how urban... how old... and how colorful the city was. It seemed every other row house was painted some obscene bright color... none of the colors would have made it past the suburban homeowners association, I was use to. This was the second year of Mayor Anthony Williams 8 year reign. On a daily basis I passed the White House and the US Capitol and never gave either of them much thought. I looked at the monuments as tourist traps that were preventing me from getting to where I needed to go. Other than on September 11 or the time I planned an event in the US Capitol rotunda... DC was just another city.
But this second time around is different. Every day on my way to and from work I pass the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the White House... and many other landmarks. Each time I take in the beauty of what this city has to offer. The city has definitely changed since 2000... thanks to Mayor Williams the city has gentrified and new condos and retail outlets are popping up everywhere, replacing those colorful homes and their colorful residents. The city is now a mix of old row homes, repurposed factories and schools, and new contemporary condos. DC is definitely one of the most eclectic and unique cities in the US... and I am glad to be back in DC and appreciate it this time around.