... nope not one
Are we there yet?
6 days ago
This blog is a chronicle of my writings, my thoughts, my opinions, my life... simply stated my HisStory. Since its conception in 2005, I have been expressing my own view on things around me... stepped on a few toes and bruised a couple egos. But the good thing about life is we don't have to agree but we can respect each other's opinions.
Is that the swine flu infecting his legs...he needs some cocoa butter on them like RIGHT now
"It's too big, too wide, it won't fit" ... oh hell, I've been officially traumatized for the day!
Why do all these SGL guys out there think they are Beyonce and try to dance/sing/re-enact her videos?! Am I just not on the bandwagon?!
He seems to have put a lot of time in preparing for his production and appears to be really enjoying himself. Good for him!!!
I couldn't watch the entire thing, but hey if he's happy about doing what he does, more power to him....
I always let big boys do their thang even when they are a hot mess in more ways than one like this ashy brother is, but, the bane of the modern world is Youtube and Beyonce, it and she have ruined the minds of so many of the children!
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