Rihanna on Chris


So a several day news blitz has finally come to an end tonight (hopefully) on 20/20 with the Dianne Sawyer interviewing Rihanna about the now legendary abuse that happened so many months ago.
My question is why now? Why are you coming to tell this story so many months later?
Did it have to do with the push back she admitted receiving in the interview from her corporate endorsers? Is it perfect free publicity for the new album that is dropping soon? Or is it that she is finally at a place where she can discuss this?
Whatever her reason I am glad that Chris has talked to Larry King and Rihanna now has had her moment to get her version of the story out... that this goes away. Because neither one of them are mature enough to be dealing with this in the media spotlight. There are a lot of issues ere that need to be dealt with and its unfortunate that their parents and handlers are allowing this to be played out in public. Now I must say she looked absolutely amazing as she recounted the story of the night and why she went back to him, but hopefully we are now done.


UrSoVain said...

But the women in abusive relationships always go back. Even if it isn't in their best interest, people like things that are familiar. Rihanna is no different...

And i don't care what anyone says, IF HE HIT YOU ONCE, HE'LL HIT YOU AGAIN!

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