- Stealing from Lenox Mall will have you arrested and embarrased. A friend that manages a store there has already told me that some punk was arressted for trying to steal from Neimans this past weekend... and instead of the side door they took him right out the front entrance... what a gag.
- Leave the Str8s alone. For some reason they often forget or want to pretend to forget that it is gay pride, then walk around the mall trying to figure out why the mall is gayer than usual. (if that is even possible)
- When hanging out in Piedmont Park on Sunday.... please remember the park closes at dusk and there is no restroom or exit in the bushes behind the tennis courts.
5 Things I Will Miss About ATL: #4 Being in the South
Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:00 AM Labels: atlanta, personalThe fourth thing I will be missing about being in Atlanta, is also one thing I won't miss. And that is being in the south. There are some aspects of being in the south I love and there are others that I could definitely do without.
I will definitely miss being driving distance to my mother. Out of my entire family my mother is the person I am closest to. Being an only child to a single mother, kind of requires that. While there are aspects of my life that are not discussed, she is the only person in my family that really knows me.
I will also miss being close to my Alma mater, Auburn University. Auburn was a great time for me. Of course I learned a lot I walked away with 2 degrees in 4 years, but more importantly I learned so much about myself and relationships as well. Before attending I was quite nervous about going to a predominately white college in the middle of nowhere in Alabama. But the very first time my mother drove me on to the campus... I knew this was going to be home.
Being in the south has a few perks... but the slow fullness, segregation and lack of diversity are things that make moving north worth it.

Always remembering, Nigel Alexander Baptiste-Williams
March 12, 1989 - August 30, 2005
Keeping Diddy Relevant Season Finale
27Aug2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 1:26 PM Labels: entertainment Ok so Diddy finally Made the Band last night. And I don't recall them saying anything about how the audience voted but that was probably cause I was paying very little attention to the show. But anyway the band is Qwanell, Willie, Robert, Brian A., and for some odd reason Mike. Can someone explain why Mike made it ?
And to appease the white folks... Donnie got a solo deal. I actually like his voice and could see him in a boy band but a solo deal with Bad Boy is about as useful as... well... hell you name 4 Bad Boy solo artist?
5 Things I Will Miss About ATL: #3 The Nightlife
26Aug2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 7:11 AM Labels: atlanta, personalAtlanta's night life is by far not the most idealic, however it is probably one of the best out there right now.
Whether you are looking for the gay, straight, or mixed crowd... Atlanta has what alot of other cities doesn't have and that is options. Sunday through Saturday there is always a spot open to go to. On Sunday alone there are three different gay clubs open... Friday and Saturday there are four. And for these options... I will miss the Atlanta nightlife.
I'm Feeling a Tammy Faye Cry Coming On
23Aug2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 12:00 AM Labels: atlanta, Religion, violence
Well Fox 5 here in Atlanta reported last night that the good Bishop Thomas Weeks but a public beating on his wife, Juanita Bynum recently. Weeks described as a 'bishop, prophet, conference host, and highly sought after motivational speaker' was still being sought after by Police at the time of the newscast.
Weeks and Bynum are the leaders of the Global Destiny ministry which has churches in Washington, DC, Los Angeles, London and here in Atlanta. As well as a huge television and online following at www.bishopweeks.com .
While of course there are three sides to every story... Juanita's is quite a sad and salicous story. According to Fox 5
ATLANTA (FOX 5) -- Atlanta police said Wednesday that well-known television minister, Juanita Bynum, became the victim of domestic abuse after her husband savagely beat her in a hotel parking lot Tuesday night.
A relative of Reverend Bynum told FOX 5 News that the Reverend Bynum and her husband, Bishop Thomas Weeks, are in the middle of a separation.The relative said the two agreed to meet Tuesday night in the dining room of the Renaissance Hotel near Hartsfield-Jackson airport.The meeting reportedly did not go well and ended with Bishop Weeks leaving abruptly. The relative said Reverend Bynum followed him to the parking lot where the two exchanged words.
According to an Atlanta Police Department report, that's when Weeks allegedly attacked her. In a statement to police, Reverend Bynum said her husband, Thomas Weeks, "choked her, pushed her down, kicked her and stomped her in the Renaissance parking lot." Ronald Campbell of the APD said a bellhop at the hotel saw the attack, intervened and stopped it.
Officer Campbell said Reverend Bynum suffered multiple bruises and swelling and
required hospitalization.
Don't know about you guys but for some reason I am feeling a tearful, apologetic, "I've Sinned Against the Lawd" sermon coming this Sunday.
You better preach gurl!!
5 Things I Will Miss About ATL: #2 Phipps Plaza
22Aug2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 10:48 PM Labels: atlanta, personal5 Things I will Miss About ATL: #1 Elizabeth Baptist Church
20Aug2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 12:10 AM Labels: atlanta, Religion
Congratulations to Sabra... but Danny will always be my favorite
CoCoDorm must Go... just not today
15Aug2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 1:39 PM Labels: entertainment, gayThis summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Trailer for Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married?
14Aug2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 1:44 PM Labels: entertainmentSo what do you think?
My return to Atlanta has been filled with many ups and downs. This past year and some months have definitely been a learning experience about myself, my strength, and my faith in God.
One month from today I embark on a new career voyage... Keep me and my decisions in your thoughts and prayers because I am go go'n home.
The Value of Life
07Aug2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 7:44 AM Labels: social commentary, violenceRandom Thoughts... on Celebs
03Aug2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 2:03 PM Labels: entertainment, random thoughts- Jones had bypass… no shit
- Ritchie is preggers… who cares
- Osama after Bobby… boy please
- Lohan drunk again… are u surprised
- Wonder on tour… please stop
- Goldberg on view… yawn
- Superhead giving HOdashin advice… and you are
- Monique defending the N-word… just ignorant
- Spears going insane… pure comedy
- Barron removing Paris from will… ooo you done done it now
- Murphy hit with paternity… condom was so much cheaper
- Flava of Love 3… stop this insanity
- Genarlow still in jail… travesty
- Kelly on trial… finally
that is only King James' VERSION
01Aug2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 11:28 PM Labels: personal, ReligionMy issues with this version first stemmed from school when we were studying the many Kings of England. This is where I learned that King James once studied and promoted witchcraft and showed very little interest in women but preferred the company of men. A few years ago I was exposed to Alister McGrath’s book, In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How it Changed a Nation, a Language, and a Culture. It was in this book where I learned that the legendary King James commissioned the translation of the Bible to conform to the Church of England. He also wanted any words that had different meanings, to be translated using whatever meaning “the most eminent fathers” used. Also instead of translating from an original Hebrew text, the KJV derives from the Geneva Bible and several other translations.
So basically you have a translation of a translation that isn’t even a literal translation.
In saying this doesn’t mean I think the KJV is just an incredible novella. But unfortunately since I can’t read Hebrew, I must hope and believe that the inspiration of the word of God is still there. And continue to read my Bible that has the KJV and the NIV side by side for comparison. (I am sure the NIV has issues with its translation as well).
Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen.