The fourth thing I will be missing about being in Atlanta, is also one thing I won't miss. And that is being in the south. There are some aspects of being in the south I love and there are others that I could definitely do without.
I will definitely miss being driving distance to my mother. Out of my entire family my mother is the person I am closest to. Being an only child to a single mother, kind of requires that. While there are aspects of my life that are not discussed, she is the only person in my family that really knows me.
I will also miss being close to my Alma mater, Auburn University. Auburn was a great time for me. Of course I learned a lot I walked away with 2 degrees in 4 years, but more importantly I learned so much about myself and relationships as well. Before attending I was quite nervous about going to a predominately white college in the middle of nowhere in Alabama. But the very first time my mother drove me on to the campus... I knew this was going to be home.
Being in the south has a few perks... but the slow fullness, segregation and lack of diversity are things that make moving north worth it.
"State of the Union causes State of Confusion"
3 weeks ago
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