Yes I Still Hate BET...
29Jun2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 2:37 PM Labels: dumb shit, entertainment, reviewsMichael Jackson: 1958 - 2009
25Jun2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 5:53 PM Labels: entertainment, farewellRandom Thoughts this Tuesday Morning...
23Jun2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:00 AM Labels: random thoughts 1. I wonder what Metro's ridership will be today... the day after two trains collide and sadly killed 7. Of course the media and people around DC and those annoying people with the texts and facebook messages make it seem as if it was the the biggest atrocity. Think about how many car accidents happen on the beltway... get your ass on the train.. scoot over... say a prayer and shutup.
2. If at 30(plus) you are constantly talking about people 'hating' on you. Maybe you should reevaluate your life, your circle, and reality itself.
3. So Chris Brown got... let me stop faking like I remotely give a fuck.
4. I hope Obama makes a simple statement about Iran that ends with "this is their business but we totally support the right to freedom of speech and protest and will not be getting involved." America has enough issues of its own to be running around like the World Police... I thought that was what the UN was for.
5. It amazes me after fucking America up for 4 years... people elected Bush to a second term. But yet they want Obama to pull a miracle out in 6 months.
6. oooo James Blake.... smh
7. Hi. I am C. Baptiste-Williams II and I am addicted to online shopping.
8. Almost out of credit card debt... I can actually see an end in sight... as long as I keep the laptop and credit cards in different rooms.
9. So somehow I finagled getting HBO out of Comcast for free for 6 months. Why do people pay to watch the same 4 movies all weekend... if it wasn't for Bill Mahr this would be a total waste.
10. The Game on BET... there may be hope for that channel yet.
Kristinia DeBarge is the daughter of Janet's first husband, James and is currently working with Babyface on her album. Kristinia was featured on this week's So You Think You Can Dance result show.
... nope not one
So we are in the second week of So You Think You Can Dance and as much as I love this show... this season has not yet captured me like previous seasons. Each week I look forward to seeing the different dance styles and if they can pull it off... but I am not tuning in to see any one dancer yet.
Like Season 3... I was glued to my TV to see Sabra and Danny dance their way from the top 20 to the top 2.
Hopefully someone will pull my interest more into this season...
Real (Boring) World Comes to DC
09Jun2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 9:56 AM Labels: DC, entertainment, Real World 20
Wanting to be a Princess... is a big deal.
08Jun2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:10 AM Labels: entertainment, it's a black thang, social commentaryI personally think a course in cultural sensitivity and diversity should be mandatory for everyone to graduate high school. I think we all could benefit from learning how to appreciate other's differences.
So recently I was sitting around with coworkers at lunch when a news story about the controversy over Disney's new African American princess came on. One coworker of another race couldn't understand why some people were upset that the first African American princess didn't have an African American prince. She stated I thought we have gotten pass the stigma of race mixing.
I simply turned to her and asked her when she was a little girl didn't she play with dolls and dream of being a princess and finding her prince? For 70 years Disney has been in the business of aspiring play and dreams... and it is important for all little girls to see that they could be princess just like all little boys need to see they could one day be princes. And little girls need to see that boys that look just like them could be princes as well.
Since living in Orlando at an early age, I have always been a Disney fan. And since first hearing Anika Noni Rose's voice I have been a fan. So it is needless to say this holiday season I will be sneaking away from work for a matinee or borrowing someone's child to go see this movie.
Toni Childs: Maya, how'd you get so smart?
Maya Wilkes: Oh, girl, I'm an authoress. I gots to know stuff.
Toni Childs: I guess you don't "gots" to know grammar.
Maya Wilkes: At least I didn't miss my baby's first doctor's appointment!
Toni Childs: At least I didn't leave my baby on the bus!
Maya Wilkes: Bus *stop*! Get it right, bitch.
Simply stated this was the best vacation I have ever taken with a group of friends.
The villa we rented was amazing, from the staff to the rooms to the view from the infinity pool... it was definitely first class the entire way. The house staff was quite impressive... I casually mentioned over the french toast breakfast that I wish we had a diet coke to one of my friends. Later that afternoon when I returned from the beach the fridge was stocked with a 12 pack of Coke Light (Mexico's version of Diet Coke).
The views and house were quite impressive... waking up in my suite to views of the Pacific and the city below made me just lay in bed for awhile each morning and just take it in.
The activities we took part in from chartering a private catamaran to zip lining through the Mexico forest, were all new adventures I was happy to share with my old and new friends.
There was no drama, no attitudes, just pure relaxing and fun for 6 days... we are all already anticipating our next trip.