Can We?
Are we there yet?
6 days ago
This blog is a chronicle of my writings, my thoughts, my opinions, my life... simply stated my HisStory. Since its conception in 2005, I have been expressing my own view on things around me... stepped on a few toes and bruised a couple egos. But the good thing about life is we don't have to agree but we can respect each other's opinions.
Thank you for sharing this with us, I hadn't seen this and I must say: it is very impressive. Yes We Can!
I just saw this on someone else's blog - this is hot! Yes, we absolutely can!
we can we can YES WE CAN!
i love this... u always on top of shit
I think it's a great video but I fear that people will get more wrapped up in the "celebrity" rather than the specific issues other than change that his campaign has yet to CLEARLY address. I'm just not sold on it.
Clinton 08
I saw this a few days ago and I very impressed with Mr. Will
Very Nice! I like I like!
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