
My client had confirmed that she could do lunch next Thursday at noon. I chose a resteraunt that was close to her office and had an amazing stuffed sole. I was going through the many emails that had come in over the night, as I dialed the number to make the reservation. That is when I heard his voice.

I hadn't talked to him in close to two years. We weren't on the best of terms when I moved to Atlanta and since his cell number had changed like it had so many times before. I checked up on him via email a few times... but the cold shoulder could be felt even through AOL.

He was always the most special to me. I was young and he was younger when we met and our off and on affair began. We always had fun... rarely any stress... great conversations. When other relationships with CLK, KCK, and the Prez all went south... he is who I turned to. His smile and his humor always made me forget about what was going on. And the sex... well the sex was everything.

He had answered the phone like he had so many times before. I instantly looked up from the computer screen but the only thing I could bring myself to say was wow.

After listening to me only being able to say wow for two minutes... he laughed out a hello. We exchanged pleasentries... asked about the fam and still all I could say was wow. Totally caught off guard and ready to end the call, he reminded me that I called for a reason. I made the reservation and got his new number. It has been almost 24 hours and when I think about it I am still speechless.


fuzzy said...

Wow is the only thing you can say when someone, who you are TOTALLY not expecting to talk to, pops up!

Darius T. Williams said...

there are some people that makes this happen to you every time...dayum, don't I know this all too well.

life said...

sigh...sometimes we need those type of surprises. Enjoy

That Dude Right There said...


Chet said...
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Chet said...

Damn you had it bad! Thats all good it just indicates that the brotha held your mind, body and soul and hearing his voice after an extended period of time and the flashback or memories would most certainly solict such a response as: WOW!

V.A. Patrick Slade said...

Sounds like an opening to a good novel...:-) WOW...

j_shanlin said...

awwww.... you'd better be coming with a part 2

BPS 4.0 : Soul Exposure said...

Well damn, talk about uncomfortable. I wonder what face to face would have been like. Sounds like a rekindling, maybe?