Shit Your Momma Should Have Tought You #6: SPAM is no good in any form!
30Dec2008 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 9:24 PM Labels: shit your momma should have taught youRandom Thoughts this Monday Morning
22Dec2008 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 10:06 AM Labels: Oprah, random thoughtsAfter a late night of partying with friends... I woke up this morning to hear the weather man stating it was 17 degrees in Washington... at that moment I made a new rule, "No getting out of bed until it is at least 20 degrees, hence I wasn't at work until 10am today.
I know many may think I am cold and callous for saying this but I am so freaking tired of hearing about Caylee Anthony, Natalee Holloway, and all the other blonde hair, blue eyed media fixations. I just honestly do not care about any of them.
For the first time in a long time there are several movies out and coming out over the next few weeks I want to see.
Am I the only one that could careless about Obama choosing Rick Warren to deliver the inaugural prayer... you can't please everyone all the time and he shouldn't have to.
But what I am pissed about is Oprah coming to the Kennedy Center in DC to tape a show during Inauguration weekend... and I COULDN'T GET A TICKET!!!
So I am thinking after my colonic next week to go to a mostly fish and chicken diet... I wonder how long this will last.
So I was cleaning out my closet a week ago trying to make space just for the clothes already in there and decided to remove 5 coats that I never wear. I placed the coats in the back of my SUV and have been randomly giving them to homeless people on the streets... I thought it would make me feel good but after the giving away the second one I sat in my car and cried when the guy told me he was 29. Life may have be rough but thank God for my blessings.
So the uninvited cousin incident played out last Friday, with him getting the word from my aunt that I was going to rent my place out and leave right after the inauguration for a training in Philly... well he finally called with way too much attitude. After setting the record straight and refusing to go into an argument about my plans and my house and his rudeness... I said I am done talking about this situation and good night.
Why Do You Ask My Opinion... when you don't want it?!?
12Dec2008 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 7:45 AM Labels: another tangent, personalOne thing any of my close friends can tell you about me is that I am consistently me. I am who I am... no pretense. You ask my opinion... I give it to you regardless of if it is what you want to hear or need to hear. People that know me... know if you don't want to hear my what I have to say leave me out of the conversation.
So a friend of mine, we shall call him Blue, has been dating Q for about a year and a half. Seeing we all knew each other before they started dating when I found out they were getting together I told them both I didn't think it was a good idea. (I knew both of them better then they knew the other and was privied to some information the others weren't)
For the past 7 months, it has been one thing or another. And now they are both in this relationship for appearance and because they have been together for 18 months and don't want to say it's over. For 7 months, I have mostly remained quiet and just listened. (maybe a few comments here and there)
So last Tuesday Blue calls me to tell me that the past few times they have tried to have sex... Q couldn't "keep it up". He rants and raves for 10 good minutes... and then I finally interrupt and ask him have you ever thought maybe it's you. It amazes me that people always want to blame the fact that someone else can't satisfy them sexually for one reason or another instead of thinking maybe you just weren't doing it for them.
Well I haven't heard from him since Tuesday, and since I know he reads this blog I just want to say Blue... I was just offering another opinion doesn't mean I am right... I just wanted you to see another side of the issue.
And to everyone else I know that reads this... if you don't want my opinion... stop coming to me with your issues. Damn after all these years you should know I am an opinionated fucker!
If You Don't Take Your Ass to Work...
10Dec2008 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 3:20 PM Labels: gay, social commentary
So I was having conversation with a few gays that I know and all of them were at work... including myself.
None of them even knew what I was talking about and began laughing when I explained. Hell I didn't even know myself until this morning courtesy of a Facebook message.
The Day Without A Gay website states,
"We've reacted to anti-gay ballot initiatives in California, Arizona
Florida, and Arkansas with anger, with resolve, and with courage. NOW, it's time to show America and the world how we love. Gay people and our allies are compassionate, sensitive, caring, mobilized, and programmed for success. A day without gays would be tragic because it would be a day without love.
On December 10, 2008 the gay community will take a historic stance against hatred by donating love to a variety of different causes.
On December 10, you are encouraged not to call in sick to work. You are encouraged to call in "gay"--and donate your time to service!"
First let me remind you of a few occurrences in the most recent past:
- Tuesday, December 9 - Sony lays off 8,000, Novellus lays off 400, Danaher lays off 1,700, NFL lays off 150, Principle Financial Group laysoff 550, Wyndham Hotels lays off 4,000
- Thursday, December 4 - DuPont laysoff 2,500, Credit Suisse lays off 5,300, AT&T lays ff 12,000
- Also this month - Dow Chemical lays off 5,000, GM lays off 2,000, Avis is laying off 2,200, Anheuser-Busch is laying off 1,400, and 3M lays off 1,800.
I am not sure who came up with this idea and if they had thought it completely out. But I will say two things... their marketing of this idea/movement was not that successful. And secondly in this economy when there are people desperately in need of jobs... calling in 'gay' could possibly have you calling the unemployment office.
And for those of us who work for companies that offer equal rights and benefits maybe instead of calling in 'gay' we should call in, in support of our company.
Cadillac Records... my take
09Dec2008 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:09 AM Labels: entertainment, reviews Sunday night Le Petit and myself decided to check out Cadillac Records. Normally I wouldn't have even considered going to see this movie on opening weekend, but I was surprised by the overall good reviews the critics and my friends on the movie and the performances of everyone including Beyonce.
As we walked into the theater 30 minutes early we were shocked that we were the only ones in the theater. As the previews began we noticed the theater became more occupied but was far from sold out.
The film is a tale of sex, violence, race, and rock and roll in 1950s Chicago, that follows the turbulent lives of some of America's musical legends, Muddy Waters, Leonard Chess, Little Walter, Etta James and Chuck Berry. The cast all gave spectacular performances, surprisingly including Beyonce, who has made a vast improvement from all of her previous roles. Columbus Short was masterful. Several times I had to question if that was really Columbus in the role he gives a brilliant performance that I hope will not be overshadowed by others in the film.
Much has been said about the #9 opening, but what seems to be left out of every box office report is how many screens the movie was on. The #1 movie, Four Christmases, was on over 3000 screens and brought in $16 million while Cadillac was on 600 screens and brought in $3 million.
Me and Le Petit both thought the cast was definitely the star of this movie and not the script as it felt a little rushed at times. And in that rush, several important parts of history were left out. Also you will definitely have to like musical movies to enjoy this film.
Random Thoughts this Saturday Morning...
06Dec2008 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 7:51 AM Labels: random thoughts2. At what age does living like a college student become played? I totally understand that everyone is not into furniture and some people just don't care but seeing a perfectly able 30+yo with his mattress pushed up against the wall bothers me for some odd reason.
3. So I was having a conversation with a friend about a mutual acquaintance that is pissed that several people he knows hasn't supported his recent project. So just because I know do you, does that mean I have to purchase your project? Maybe after coming to your 100th show I realized maybe I am fine supporting your art from a distance? Entitlement again.
4. So Gary T. P. said that maybe everyone isn't in a recession and they have more money in their pockets than before... my response keep watching the news, companies are laying off large amounts of their staff every day. Being in a recession isn't about how much you have in your pocket but how much you have in your savings in case something does happen.
5. So after my colonic next week I am thinking of trying to just eat chicken and fish, or veggies. Let's see how long this lasts.
6. Volunteering to feed policemen and firemen that were working on Thanksgiving was a different experience from my normal volunteer work feeding the homeless but rewarding all the same.
7. Ok so I finally joined Facebook after nagging from a friend in Cali. This is 150 times better than Myspace which I just joined last year and now have discarded to the side.
8. So replacing the Obama dog story is Michelle Obama's Inaugural Ball gown. Of all the sketches on WWD, I personally like the Badgly Mischka and Kia Milla. Which do you like?
9. Lady O is doing a show from my former employer, The John F Kennedy Center, the day before the inauguration. I am so hustling to get a ticket to this show.
10. Are you cold yet?
Returning to work on Monday brought about the endless, "How was your Thanksgiving?" questions. After the third time I even considered drafting a company wide/ worldwide email draft of What I did over my Thanksgiving Holiday. And of course if I didn't ask, "And you?" at the end of my recollection, I would have been deemed as being rude. Damn that phone for not ringing on cue. I noticed in everyone's account how they seemed to brag about how much they ate... like being glutenous was the new badge of honor.

Is Prop 8 coming to DC?
02Dec2008 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 12:00 AM Labels: DC, gay, politics, social commentaryWell not exactly....
Friday's Washington Blade details an upcoming community-wide forum to debate whether the City Council should take up a same-sex marriage bill in January. Twelve of DC's 13 city council members and Mayor Adrian Fenty support same-sex marriage. However many, including me, wonder if now is the right time to begin this battle for two reasons.
Reason number 1 - While I believe DC is a progressive city, many thought the same of the state of California. At least for now (until the gentrification keeps pushing us into PG county), 57 percent of the population in DC is black, and several black gay activists believe gay marriage supporters must significantly increase their efforts to reach out to blacks, other minorities, and the historic black churches in the District. While I will not get into the debate of Prop 8 vs the Blacks of California... I will say it is definitely going to have to be an education platform for this bill not to be repealed, since we know it will definitely pass the council.
Reason number 2 - Is specifically Home Rule. As we all know DC is not a state but a District. And although us residents are taxed like any other state we do not have representation in Congress and Congress has the authority to overturn any law the DC Council comes up with. So until DC has legislative autonomy not only will the city have to vote on this but so will Congress.
While it pains me to think that we have to pick our civil right battles, I think the focus of all tax paying DC residents should be on statehood and representation. Getting it through the Council and off Mayor Fenty's desk is only the mere beginning, preventing challenges from some of the population and by Congress will be the issue.
The December 11 community forum on a D.C. same-sex marriage bill is scheduled to be held at 7 p.m. at the Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Center at 1649 Rhode Island Ave., NW and I plan to be there.