Are we there yet?
6 days ago
This blog is a chronicle of my writings, my thoughts, my opinions, my life... simply stated my HisStory. Since its conception in 2005, I have been expressing my own view on things around me... stepped on a few toes and bruised a couple egos. But the good thing about life is we don't have to agree but we can respect each other's opinions.
Denial, denial, Denial...
Second Pix... LMBAO!!!
Maybe it's a marriage of companionship. Two good friends loving each other platonically.
As for Terry McMillan...she needs some serious m-f-in' therapy!
Hey girlfriend seems to be happy with ole boi, so I guess it is a marriage of convenience, or tight azz agreement.
Terry well that is another story!
I am definitely of the belief that it's a marriage of mutual convenience. I would marry any one of my hags.
As for Terry... Let her eat cake!
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