Why do I keep tempting myself with something that I know will never work out?
I know that I always complain about dating, but I have actually been enjoying it since being back in DC. If nothing more I have developed some new friendships with some very interesting people. I decided that when I came back I would take my time and only pursue interests that I thought had the possibility of sustaining. I was even upfront from the very beginning with each person letting them know where I am in my life, where I want to be, and that while get between the two I am openly dating to find someone to enjoy the journey.
So there are three people and each person has something about them that typically would never let me commit solely to them. Without going into the private details of our affairs, after taking time to think, I have realized that the issue actually may be me instead. (I know right imagine that)
This Sunday I was watching something on TV, and on this show the stereotype of gays being consumed by sex, made me realize that this may be true. Of the three... two of my issues are sexual in nature. I keep thinking I am better than this and that sex doesn't and shouldn't define me and my relationships with other people but the human side of me keeps taunting me with... Why do I keep tempting myself with something that I know will never work out?
26Oct2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 5:51 PM Labels: atlanta, politics, social commentaryShit Your Mother Should Have Taught You #1
23Oct2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 3:57 PM Labels: personal, shit your momma should have taught you
For the second time in less than a week, I have received a phone call at an improper hour. At 3:53am, Saturday morning, a person that I have hung out with a total of three times thought it was ok to call my house. When I saw him out Sunday, I confronted him, for him to tell me oh I was out and thought you were out as well.
This morning at 7:29am, I received yet another phone call from yet another person I have been hanging out with. Later this afternoon he explained, "Oh I am up at 5am everyday, I thought you would be up by then."
I remember years ago when I was in undergrad my mother called me at 7 something in the morning. I proceeded to answer the phone not with an hello but with, "Who is dead?" Since then my mother has never called me before 9am during the week and on the weekend waits for me to call her first. However for the record my mother is the only person that is alive today that has permission to call me at such an hour.
I remember growing up my mother would not allow me to call someone else's house after 10pm CST. She said it was disrespectful and there was nothing you needed to talk about at that hour. Regardless of what is going on in your life... there is no reason for anyone to call me or anyone else at 4 or 7am. If you thought you were getting some sex... if you weren't there before 4 it isn't going to happen. You wanted to hear my voice first thing in the morning... you should have been there last night. Like I told the both of them I found it very disrespectful that they even thought it was ok to call my house at such an hour and would expect for them to never do it again.
So just for general reference:
- If you are dying call 911... then hit me at 10am. I am not a doctor what the fuck can I do for you.
- If you are stranded call a taxi... I'd rather give you $20 than get out of my bed at such an hour.
- Someone I know died... yet again hit me at 10am, the will still be dead at 10am.
Random Thoughts for this Thursday Morning...
18Oct2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:09 AM Labels: random thoughts- As much as I enjoy listening and looking at Clifford... I really could careless if he goes to jail or not. I am so over these wanna be mogul hood rats... that have garnered opportunity and wealth that many of us dream about only to get arrested for some dumb "keepin' it real" nonsense.
- When I was reading the story about Jermaine Jackson not having any money or employment to pay his wife child support, I thought it was a tad bit funny. But when they gave the back story that their 2 kids together are now siblings to their cousins. Mrs. Alejandra Jackson also has two teenage children from a previous relationship with Jermaine’s youngest brother Randy and has been living with Jackson’s mother Katherine for quite sometime. Now that is truly "keepin' it in the family".
- I wonder now that ABC is allowing Don "nappy headed hoes" Imus back on radio... will Dr. Preston Burke, played by Isaiah "hey fag" Washington, return and reunite with Christina.
- Why is it that certain people pay you no attention till your attention has moved on to someone else... someone they know... someone I find more interesting. Yet we are always looking for something real, but never give reality ourselves.
- To think at this stage in my life I thought I had friends and friendships figured out but everytime I turn around... some new revelation is made. But when a friend comes in town and doesn't even tell you... and then when you do call them because you found out from some random that they are here and they still make no effort to get up... it definitely wakes you and makes you realize you aren't as close as you once were.
- I need a lesson in office politics. I don't play that game well either. Why can't we just come, do our work, and go home.
- It amazes me that we as a people complain about the lack of black faces on TV but yet we continue to accept the nonsense of Flava of Love or I Love New York. I would rather see nothing than that corny, train wreck nonsense. We must not only demand more, but demand quality. In a time of Jena 6 an Genarlow... this is doing nothing to advance our race.
- I think that if one more person holds up traffic or hijacks a bus, because they want to kill themselves inconveniencing the rest of DC... they should let sniper John Mohammed take them out. It doesn't take 3 hours for you to want to kill yourself, if you are going to do it... JUST DO IT, so the rest of us can go on with our lives.
- So I wonder how long will it take for them to find a cure for the MRSA strain of staph infections, seeing that it killed 6000 more people than AIDS did in 2005. umm hmm no cure but we can give you a few drugs to let you live for 30 years.

Why the Hell Did They Get Married?
14Oct2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 5:30 PM Labels: entertainment
A Note from Maurice Jamal...
11Oct2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 3:42 PM Labels: entertainment, gayI know the rumors have started circulating and I wanted to reach out to all of you personally to share the great news! Dirty Laundry is indeed coming out this December. Nationally we'll be out December 28 but the great news is that Codeblack Entertainment and FOX are so excited by the film that it's being released EARLY in select cities on December 7, 2007! Atlanta, Washington, DC, Baltimore and New York!
As you all know, this film was a huge labor of love. As an artist, I have always wanted to tell stories that reflect a human experience. Dirty Laundry is such a film. Funny, touching and raw....the film strikes a cord because of it's honest portrayal of a family in transition. I know some of you saw the film in sneak previews and others who haven't have been begging me to show them the film early! LOL. But each and every one of you have wanted to know how you can support. And we need you now! Our opening weekend on December 7 is VERY important. We need to sell out every showing on every screen. And I don't mean, we want to...we NEED to. Dirty Laundry is rare because it's a true independent film that tells a story which breaks new ground. And all eyes our on our community. Collectively we need to show that Dirty Laundry is important because it reflects our lives. If this film does well, it blows open the door for other artists and filmmakers to tell diverse stories about our people.
Thank you for your love and support!
Maurice J.
The Irony of Eso Wan
09Oct2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 3:32 PM Labels: it's a black thang, publications, social commentary
Vote or Die: Select a Candidate Quiz
04Oct2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 5:55 PM Labels: politicsWho were u aligned with?