Damn 3 weeks already...
For the most I haven't done much other than work... home... and church on Sundays. I have had a few dinners with old friends and 2 have come by the new spot to catch up but my routine has mostly been work... home... and church on Sundays.
That was until this Sunday, my two friends Doc and ThighsofSteal invited me to come out and have a drink or 4 with them. Seeing I hadn't done much other than work... home... and church on Sundays, I was eager to get out and see the new (and sad) nite life in DC. It is a sad state of existence when the best night to go out is Sunday. I mean damn I gotta get up and go to the office in the morning... but anyway I digress. We started our evening at R&R, which happens to be promoted by a friend. R&R really gives me the same vibes as DeJango's (for my ATLiens). It has a house floor and hip hop floor, however there is less separation by age as at DeJango's. It was the first time I had been out in DC since last October so it was good to see a lot of familiar faces and a couple new ones too.
The funniest thing of the first part of our evening was seeing KCK walk by me as if we were strangers. Which is probably for the best... seeing I have no words for him. I tell you never give a homo or anyone for that matter more than you are willing to loose (money, time, whatever... but especially money) and a person's word is only as good as their track record and his was always shaky.
Our evening continued at B Bar. More of the same, pretty much the same faces, but I ran into an acquaintance that moved up here from Atlanta a month before I did. So now I have another person to hang out with.
The evening ended close to 2am... and Monday started just a few hours later... Wore out from the club, the drinks and the after church jog along the Potomac, I will really be looking forward to work... home... and church this Sunday.
Are we there yet?
6 days ago
You seem so much happier since you moved back. I'm glad that you are.
But I love the way you ties the beginning and end of the post together with "work... home and church on Sunday".
Glad that you are starting to hang out and meet new people. It is a shame that someone who owes you something will act as if they don't know you but anyway.
what happened the evil chay i use to know... this church thing must really be working... LOL But no foreal u never give more than u can loose... sad to loose a friend over money
Oh don't turn into a old man...j/k.
Don't allow monies to come between you and your friend, if he isn't able to man up and say "that he knows he owes you money, and will make an effort to pay you back." Write it off as a lost and move on; first and formost friends do not lend money to friends we offer gifts of cash instead. Pleased to hear that you enjoyed your Sunday Evening Outting with your friends, yes DC's nightlife isn't what it used to be back in the day, it has slowed down a tab bit.
fuck that... kck shouldnt have borrowed what he couldnt have paid back or desired too. I say sue his ass if it was a substantial amount.
You have the right to feel the way you feel and I do understand for I am responsible for it. I'm not sure how to approach you or even if you want me to approach you. You know me better then the way you are portraying me but it's all good. We have history mostly good but some bad times but through it we still remained friends. I do consider you a very good friend. You helped me out during a time when I didn't have many people to turn too. I owe you money and I will pay you back. What I have done to you is not in my character and I would not like it if it was done to me. I did see you in the club the other night and didn't know how to approach you so I didn't. I would very much like to talk to you. I will take what you give (attitude) for I have done it to myself. But atleast let me talk to you in person. I text you yesterday to open up communications instead of just calling you out of the blue. I'm trying here, I'm not perfect but I am trying to make a situation that I have caused on myself right. I do have a conscience and I try to be true to self as well as others. You deserve allot more from me so please just listen to me. Hope to talk to you soon.
(the shaky homo)
People crack me up, trying to be all self righteous when they're the one's in the wrong. KCK, this is how you approach him: with money in your hand. Here's a novel idea, drop it in the mail. Were you texting and reaching out to him when he was trying to collect on his debt? NO.
i think u should give the dude another chance... i mean from past entries this is the dude u took to montreal
oooo bet u werent expecting a response lol
so what are you going to do?
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