Hate is such a strong word... but this fool comes awfully close.
Are we there yet?
6 days ago
This blog is a chronicle of my writings, my thoughts, my opinions, my life... simply stated my HisStory. Since its conception in 2005, I have been expressing my own view on things around me... stepped on a few toes and bruised a couple egos. But the good thing about life is we don't have to agree but we can respect each other's opinions.
Hate is an awfully strong word and please do not use it unless you truly know in your heart you hate whatever it is you are claiming to hate or feel so indifferent about.
1. i didnt say i hated him
2. i think im old enough to know what i mean when i say it
Mr. C. Baptiste-Williams, my humble apologies by no means did I say you; it was in generally and to the effects of the word Hate.
I am certain that you are mature enough to know what is is you said.
Okay I will try this again. What exactly is it you dislike about R.Kel? He certainly has created a mess for himself.
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