Things I Wish Would Go Away Forever...


Mohawks... very few people can pull this hairstyle off successfully. But that doesn't stop people from allowing their friends going out looking fool. Diddy brought this hairstyle back in 2003... and since I have seen 2003 unsuccessful attempts.

Denim Shorts... They just never look good. My friend LB's Friday date made me think of this. Nice, attractive guy... but those shorts just looked like he was one of Theo Huxtable's friend.

Flava of Love Chicks... When MTV created Real World years ago... I am sure they didn't mean for just anyone to become overnight celebrities. We as a people accept about anything someone gives us, and I am tired of seeing these women who are infamous for being ghetto messes on my gossip web sites.

Usher & Tameka Foster... this whole nonsense has driven me to an all time high of annoyance. One thing Usher apparently didn't learn from Puffy was how to pimp the media. This entire story from beginning to the now cliffhanger has been quite annoying and pathetic. "Don't print stories about my fiancee" one minute and releasing soliloquies the next about their love... Dude please just make music.

Celeb Weddings... speaking of which I think celebs should be banned from getting married. I mean what is the point they usually last all of 10 minutes before they are divorcing. Never understood why actually getting married was so important... just shack up and when it goes down hill, grab your toothbrush and Gucci bag and beat it.

Supersize... damn this curse to my waist!!

Dreamgirls... back in Atlanta


Well if you were paying attention this past May I made a post entitled Poor Little Jennifer which was about Jennifer Holiday's return to the stage as Effie in the National Black Arts Festival's production of Dreamgirls. Well the show has been running for about a week and of course I wasn't going to spend my $40 to go see it but a good friend and blog reader did and sent me this review via email.

Me and Chris went to see Dreamgirls this past Saturday at the Fox and boy did you miss a show. From the time the curtains went up and Move, Move came on I knew this show was going to be nothing but comedy. Jennifer Holiday, the girl from En Vogue and some other chick took to the stage. When I tell you it looked like I was at the Jungle on Monday night, because those women looked like they were ready for the drag show. I have been to several Broadway shows and understand that the makeup and face expressions are supposed to be a little over dramatized but baby when I tell you Niesha Dupree ain't have nothing on Jen. Now I will say Jen belted out most of her tunes and got quite a few standing ovations but as you can imagine And I am Telling you was way over the top.... and her I am Changing was ummm a mess. Nothing about these 4 women trying to play young women just starting off was believeable at all. Anyway the show overall was ok, I think most people enjoyed it.

So maybe I will reconsider and check this out before it leaves Sunday... I could use a good laugh or 2.

The Messiah comes to Atlanta


Come out and support my friend Lee Hayes with the release of his new book:

Wednesday, July 25, 8:00 p.m.
Outwrite Bookstore & Coffeehouse
991 Piedmont Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30309

Saturday, July 28, 5:00 -7:30 PM
840 Marietta St, NW
Atlanta, GA 30318

Gabriel Kaine is working furiously to revive his stalled reporting career. Years ago, he got his first big break by investigating murders committed by a killer known as the Messiah. But when the Messiah vanished from the public six months ago, Gabriel's success hit a downward slope. Now the Messiah has returned, and no one is safe from his evil.

Desperate to bring this man to justice and to reap the professional reward for uncovering the final truth, Gabriel teams up with Jazz McKinney, the only known survivor of an encounter with the Messiah who was freed by the killer so he could warn others of the Messiah's impending return. But as Gabriel and Jazz come closer to discovering the Messiah's identity, Gabriel realizes all the evidence points to Dr. Garrett Lord - a respected doctor - and Gabriel's lover. The personal stakes have never been higher, and readers will be on the edge of their seats to see what awful truths are uncovered in this tale of misguided passion, deadly secrets, and thrilling danger.

Washington, D.C., resident Hayes is currently at work on an anthology of erotic stories focusing on the unique lives of gay African-American men. To find out more about the author and his work, visit his web site .

The Laws: Why Did I Do That?


Have you ever been driving home (riding the train or the bus) from a jump off’s house that you met at the club, online, or if you are in Atlanta just about anywhere, and thought to yourself “Why the hell did I do that?”

Once again I was having a conversation with a friend. He called me as he was heading back to his side of Atlanta after a recent hook up with some random guy off When I picked up the phone obviously annoyed that he was interrupting my show, instead of an hello I got, “Why the fuck did I just do that?” He went into telling me how he had been talking to this guy online for the past few weeks and they finally decided to meet up and check the “vibe” (for those who do not know that is code for to see if you really look like or better than your picture) and “chill” (that is code for pretend to watch TV and be interested in your idle conversation and corny flirts for an hour… then have sex and leave immediately). He said the guy did look like his picture but his conversation was awful and there was no real attraction but they “messed” (code for I don’t want my friend to think less of me so I will just leave it at that) around anyway. He said the sex was mediocre and could have been better off saving his $2.95 a gallon and jacking off at home.

I am sure most people have had a similar experience. As of lately I have made a conscious effort to refrain from random jumpoffs, not that I think that I am above or denying the fact that I have in the past. It is just that I see that they are usually a waste of time and effort. For me this means the intensity and quantity of my self gratification has increased greatly. I can't even remember the last time I had sex... (damn i hope that didn't offend anyone with that one)

But my sure fire remedy if you don't have a consistent jumpoff and you think you will be tempted by getting online or going to the bar, is to satisfy that instant urge by handling it yourself... usually that will work for now unless you just have a high drive and if that's you, you need to invest in finding that one person in your black book you can always count on.


Today I have done very little other than laying in bed dozing in and out of sleep... watching reruns on tv... and taking two showers even though I have yet to leave my house. I think that I am resting mentally for what will be a very trying and difficult week.

Taking my truck to the body shop in the morning for the insurance rep to assess the damage and begin the repair process. I have never been in an auto accident in my own car so I am unsure of how this process will go and exactly how long I will be without her.

I also have to fly to DC to handle some personal business on Wednesday. The person that was supposed to come through and get me a buddy pass to fly has yet to come through. So as of Sunday at 8pm... I have no clue to how I am getting there.

One of my baby cousins that I grew up closely with and his girlfriend gave birth to a premature baby girl, McKenzy about a month ago. Saturday morning I got a phone call saying that Mac didn't make it. She was too weak and too small but she tried.

My job search is in high gear, while I enjoy my coworkers and my job for the most, I am not being challenged the way I like to be and I am definitely not being paid what I need to be. Since moving to Atlanta the job thing has been the only thing I have been unable to conquer... I never had these issues back in DC. But I will keep trying.

I am so unhappy with where life is for me at this moment. I am so far off my 10 year plan... but I am working to get back on track... please no sympathy just felt like ranting a little.....

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” – Helen Keller

The Laws: The Lay-A-Way Plan


So me and a new acquaintance were having a conversation last night about many things and of course our experiences dating was a part of that conversation.

He was telling me a story about his recent dating situations and how one person he was dating refused to tell him that he was dating other people as well. I commented that, "Oh he had you on the Lay A Way Plan". Which prompted me to have to explain:

The Lay A Way Plan is when you meet someone that you are really interested in. They are attractive, have things going for themselves, they make you happy, and you could see yourself dating them; however you are not ready to commit to just one person. So what you do is you date them from a distance. You hang out continuously and even spend evenings, nights, and weekends together. However you are still hanging out and meeting other people, while keeping that other person close enough to hopefully develop into something but far away enough to keep all commitments at bay for now.
The Lay-A-Way plan may work for some. But the problem with it is... that most of the times people don't want to admit they are on this plan and forget how small this world really is. It usually blows up in their face and they are left there looking like a scheming liar... when all of this could have been prevented by just saying, you are dating other people or committing.

But, at least in the gay community, people seem to subscribe to the whole grass is greener mentality. Someone may find someone who is quite a good match but yet not perfect... so you continue your quest for Mr./Mrs. Perfect, instead of working on and developing what you have into the perfect relationship. I am by no means saying that anyone should settle, but if the person is a good match but not perfect... maybe it is something that can be worked on or maybe it is you that is not perfect. God knows I have definitely been the imperfect one many times. And who ever said you are Mr./Mrs. Perfect's perfect match.

Being upfront and honest is the only sure way to maintain friendships and relationships. So if you got someone on the Lay-A-Way plan... be careful that this doesn't come back to bite you in the ass... you could miss out on something really good.

Weekend Wrapup


I don't even know where to begin. But this weekend... actually this past week has been quite busy and quite eventful. The last two weeks me and my close friends here have been focused on our friend JB, that left Sunday afternoon on his way to Baghdad, Iraq to work as a contractor in the Green Zone. So since it was our last time hanging out till New Years... we have been partying and hanging hard for the past two weeks.

Friday night the plan was to venture out to a party at the Loft and then on to Towers 2... however we unfortunately never made it to the Loft cause we had a very unfortunate accident in my Montero. After a little crying on Spring Street (maybe that was just me), we eventually pulled it together and made it to Towers. After a few drinks, a lot of sweating on the dance floor... we closed the club, got a lil chicken and hit it home. Of course I avoided looking at the back of my truck... a few phone calls later to Geico and Atlanta Police... I finally got in bed around 7 am.

Saturday we had an afternoon cookout by the pool for JB. An intimate crowd allowed people to really let go and have fun... of course the bar by the pool had no less than 20 bottles which helped as well. I was quite surprised that everyone except a five people got into the pool. Some even left and came back in swim gear, because they were surprised people were actually swimming at a pool party. I invited Monet to come to the party and he showed up right on time, ready for the pool. After pulling me into the pool, fully clothed, he then began to strip me down to my swim trunks that I was having second thoughts about already. But he definitely made it up to me as we then swam around the pool in each others arms kissing and carrying on. At the time I didn't know exactly how so... but Roddy made sure he got it on video. (mental note seek and destroy that damn video)

After hours of drinking and swimming... the party continued inside. More alcohol... some herbal refreshments... led the kids to reenact the Destiny's Child Farewell Concert. As me and a new friend stood out on the patio talking about our childhood's in Texas and new lifes here in Atlanta we could do nothing but laugh because we were definitely getting a comedy show inside. We eventually made it to an all white party in Midtown... but we were so drained from the days activities that we really couldn't enjoy it and left not long after getting there, all going in our own directions... let's say Monet is a true masterpiece up close and personal.

Sunday was very chill... I spent some time with Roddy and JB before he left for the airport and the rest of the day in bed watching Fame and dozing in and out of sleep. A very eventful weekend and sad at the same time... Montero is bruised and damaged. JB is gone till New Years.

Random Thoughts this Holiday...


- So not only is today the America's Independence but it is also would have been my parent's anniversary... and as I near 30 (shivers at the thought) , I have no idea how my parents met or any clue about their courtship. My parents separated when I was really young and my father died while I was in elementary school... and no one ever talks about it.

- Why does this dude I know in New York have to bring up his fraternity in every conversation. At 30yo, he lets Alpha Phi Alpha define his existence and it is beginning to annoy me and other mutual friends. Like dude please talk about something else... anything else. Not a good look.

- So after playing coy on the Wendy Williams Experience, Laylene didn't even win Monique's Charm School but Safari, the girl with the Kool Aid hair did. With a name and hair like that I hope the show actually did some good.... wait... better thought, why am I even thinking about this when I don't even watch the show regularly.

- I am so excited about my boy, Lee Haye's new book The Messiah which drops on Tuesday, July 24. If you haven't read his books Passion Marks and A Deeper Blue, you are definitely missing out.

- Why am I feeling that it is taking more energy than necessary to be cordial to someone when I see them out, because they do not really care for my friends. Especially since we haven't had much interaction since a year ago this time, his choice... I am cool with a hello in passing and keep it moving. Why do we have to fake like we care how one another has been doing? I am sure you don't really care about what is going on in my life cause if you did things wouldn't be the way they are.

- Speaking of which... why do people that are in their mid 20s and beyond still have high school ass attitudes towards people. The whole "You stole my friend... man.. yadda" "He is dating my ex" bullshit is so tired and corny. No one deserves that much energy.

- I need a vacation from friends, family, foes, work, email, and everything else... what I wouldn't do for 7 days on a beach in the Caribbean where no one knows me, with my journal, Ipod, and a margarita. Someone send me a buddy pass and some hotel points!!

- People annoy me...

Man Attempts to Steal iPhone...


The Return of Making the Flop


Well if you were like me the return of MTV's Making the Band snuck up and premeired and you were none the wisest. The only reason that I knew it was even coming on soon was the coverage of one of my favorite celebrities, Sean John Combs throwing a chair at choreogapher Laurie Ann. (did she not turn it in that blue unitard and fishnets... OW!)

Well a couple days late, courtesy of Comcast DVR, I caught the first show and the prevelance of mediorce talent often displayed on this and other reality shows. Unlike some of my friends the show is exactly what I expected. Hopefully none of these fellas actually think they are going to be the next New Edition... i mean I really hope they don't think this show is even about them and their struggles. This like any other Bad Boy venture is about Sean Combs. Yes the person whose only real hit in the past few years is a top selling fragrance but yet remains to stay relevant. (which is why I love him so much... dude is gifted)

Anyway watching these guys battle it out to be the next O Town or Danity Kane will at least give me something to watch during the summer reruns. And there are a few cuties that I wouldn't mind knowing more about (dude in the skully in the pic is ummm... ooo) And I will admit I am interested in knowing how long Chris, the dancer that can't sing to save his life, and the big boy, who had 2 grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast, will last.

So Mondays at 10pm est, I will be watching Diddy's dream team which is comprised of New Edition's Michael Bivins, Grammy-winning producer Bryan Cox, R&B singer Joe, A&R manager how u doin Slam, vocal coach Ankh Ra and choreographer Laurie Ann Gibson, manager Johnny Wright, and singer/producer Mario Winans (where the hell you been), put together as the website says 'the perfect R&B boy band to follow in the footsteps of such legendary acts as The Temptations, Boyz II Men, New Edition and NSync.'