

Yesterday I came home to find my apartment locked from the inside. The naivety in me assumed that somehow the deadbolt must have turned a lil bit. After calling for maintenance and waiting for 15 minutes... Glenn (the maintenance guy) told me that the door has been locked from inside. Hmmmm I am outside that is impossible. So we walk around the building and down a hill, through a field of ivy to get to my patio that I have cherished since moving in. Upon arriving and trying the sliding door off my bedroom I see the door is locked... try the other door off my sunroom and it slid right open. An eery feeling immediately came over me as I walked in and saw my 20" LCD monitor was missing... my CPU was pulled to the middle of the floor and wires and debris was everywhere. Slowly the realization has come over me that my private space... the space I go to relax and get away from it all... the space that I have worked for and bought everything in... the space I called home and been burglarized.

Two years ago during my first year in grad school, my Mazda 626 was broken into and the radio was stolen... but someone coming into your home is a totally different feeling.

My room was trashed... hair clippers, a couple fitteds, all my watches, all my rings and bracelets, all my earrings, all 10 bottles of my cologne, my iHome, and all the change I had been saving for 3 years in my water cooler bottle. And to make matters worse they took my 600tc pillow cases to carry away my valuables. Now one of my favorite sets of sheets have to be trashed.

A lot of other stuff was taken but the most important thing that I lost was the feeling of security in my own home. It just absolutely amazes me that some people think it is ok to come into someone else's home and take the things that they work for.

And people laugh when I say we should go back to the times of Hannibal... eye for an eye. Or at least incorporate the caneing of Singapore.


Growing up, I never quite understood why my mother’s baby sister, Sharon and her ex, Harold weren’t married anymore.

They seemed to be good friends and as long as I can remember I have never heard either say anything bad about the other or ever even argue. All I knew that Harold was still good friends with everyone in the family and always gave the best presents. Their son JeMel was always a top priority with him. He always lived in the upscale neighborhoods of Houston and they always looked like a magazine photo spread taken out of Architectural Digest. And I remember music… there was always music playing in his house. O and his roommates, over all the years he only had 2 that I can ever remember but they were always so stylish and fun. My father passed when I was still in elementary school, so I always spent time with my two uncles, Terry and Harold, while growing up in Houston. At least one weekend a month I was at his house with my cousin, JeMel.

I always wanted to grow up to be like my uncle Harold. A successful executive at one of the largest oil companies in Texas… always driving a nice ride… dressed in the best clothes… and so many friends.

I will never forget not long after me and my mother moved to Birmingham, JeMel and Harold had gotten into a fight and one went tumbling down the stairs in the house and the police were called. I had never seen my uncle upset but JeMel always had a problem with his temper. When I asked why… I was told he found out his father was gay. At that moment I had a stream of flashbacks to growing up and realizing damn yeah he was. Maybe 4 years after that incident on Thanksgiving day, my uncle passed away. I remember driving back to campus wishing that I could have reached out to my uncle and told him my secret, although I am sure he knew.

I always wondered what it would be like to have him in my life right now. Someone to talk to that understands. For those that have parents that are accepting and understanding you are truly lucky. No real point to this just thoughts on my mind...

Clik Elite 25


On Saturday, November 25, 2006, Dwight Powell and Clik magazine will be honoring 25 individuals that have paved the way for the enhancement of the Black same-gender loving community through their everyday lives, talents, causes, and campaigns.

This celebration will be taking place here in Atlanta at the Fabulous Fox Theater. Nominations can be submitted via CLIK’s website up until October 31st. There are ten categories:
(1) Television — Actors, producers, directors, writers, etc.
(2) Performance Art — Dance, theatre, male/female illusionists, etc.
(3) Music — Singers, songwriters, composers, producers, etc.
(4) Film — Actors, producers, directors, writers, etc.
(5) Visual Arts — Photographers, painters, sculptors, designers, etc.
(6) Books — Fiction & non-fiction authors, etc.
(7) Media — Publishers, editors, journalists, reporters, etc.
(8) Community Service — Agency directors, HIV/AIDS CBOs, etc.
(9) Business — Outstanding businesses, promoters, promotions groups etc.
(10) Politics — Activists, politicians, etc.

“Gays and lesbians prove to the rest of the world that they are significant contributors to all of society and their accomplishments deserve recognition,” said CLIK publisher Dwight Powell. “This has been a long time in the making and we are looking forward to celebrating each other and recognizing those whose achievements would have been otherwise overlooked.”

Tired of Sensitive Men


Asshole... Arrogant... Pretentious... Uppity... Pompous... Jerk... Bourgeois...

All terms I have been called to compensate for other's lack of inner confidence and ability to handle my personality.

Real... Consistent... Honest... Frank... Direct... Forthright

I am tired of feeling sorry for bruising people's fragile egos... and swear some of your parent's did such a disservice to you as you were growing up. The world is not always nice... never will be. I never understood why everyone has this "fairy tell" perception of reality and think that everyone is supposed to be nice and sweet. Where was that ever written? Did I miss that class at birth, maybe I was too busy telling the doctor his breath was just a bit tart? But for me I would choose reality and truth over some sugarcoated bullshit any day!!

People are so used to having their egos stroked… and people walking on egg shells around them that when they finally hear someone be upfront and honest with them they can’t handle it.

Now with this being said, I rarely (note I did not say never, just rarely) attempt to be malicious to anyone. But sometimes you just really need to hear the truth as plain and simple as it can possibly be delivered. I am not a mean person... and probably one of the best friends you could possibly ever have... but I am me and I will always be me. And what you may see as a fault... I may see as rather positive character trait.

Random Thoughts this Monday morning...


1. Oprah is back!!! Am I the only one excited?

2. Just a few more days till the Janet media blitz begins... including appearances on Oprah and the Today show and at least 10 magazine covers... lets up this album does better than the last.

3. What the hell is with this Chicken Noodle Soup song? After many years of my mother, aunts, and uncles saying you don’t know what real music is… I finally agree. When some nonsense that should be banned only to be heard during a Campbell’s Soup commercial… was 1) ever recorded and 2) gets a video… there is something wrong with music today.

4. Why is it when people owe you something they come up with every excuse in the book (like your issues are my problem)... and then get quiet? Just be real and say fuck you, you ain't gonna get it!!

5. Whomever that is over at the Georgia Aquarium reading this blog... can a brother get 2 free tickets? (Don't worry about how I know you are reading just email me and let me know!!)

6. Will Michael Knight win Project Runway?

7. I'm definitely feeling that pale green color all over the Lacoste Spring 07 Fashion show.

8. I wonder if I start a fund to pay off my student loans how many people would contribute?

9. Why am I adding HBO back to my cable just because The Wire is back on.. and Def Comedy Jam.. and Bill Mahr.... and of course when their seasons end... BYE BYE HBO.

10. Why do people slow down to look at accidents or people getting tickets on the side of the highway? Like you have never seen this before??? Keep that shit moving I got places to go.

11. Why is it when people know they are in the wrong… they get quiet and scarce?

12. I am very proud of my undergraduate alma mater Auburn University for their brilliant start to the NCAA football season with a number 2 standing and a 3-0 record. WAR EAGLE!!

13. Why do I find myself watching Flavor of Love with my friend Damian every Sunday? The entire time criticizing anyone for degrading themselves in such a public way… but yet since I am watching hasn’t VH1 accomplished their goal??? Or maybe not since we actually TIVO it and fast forward through the commercials… we will call it a tie.

14. Why did I apply for a job in May… and they call me today asking if I am still interested????? I mean seriously. Shit how much you paying cause I am all about the dollar!!!

15. 4 more weeks to my return to DC for the Sexy Party… oooo yes!!!

To Read... or Not to Read


Sometimes my coffee table reminds me of Miranda Priestley’s desk in the morning. A neatly placed stack of magazines for me to peruse, read, and dissect. Well as of late my stack is getting a bit unmanageable. Labor Day weekend snuck up on me so my usual Saturday morning or evenings before bed… were taken up with other activities. So finally last night... I took an hour and finally finished Men’s Vogue… featurning an interesting cover story on Barack Obama. Now that leaves me Vibe, Peach, Details, Men’s Health, Complex, Black Enterprise, Vibe Vixen (I gotta know why Jill Marie Jones really left Girlfriends), O at Home… and now two new magazines Bleu and Krave.

Now I had seen Bleu’s website and seen other bloggers mention it but I had never really got into what the magazine was until Mr. Derrick L. Briggs handed me a copy at the Lion’s Den Pool Party. Well the Bleu website describes itself better than any words I could come up with by stating it is, "A quarterly magazine focused on delivering to the world a new representation of urban-gay culture." A deeper look into the premier issue of the magazine shows an array of articles from diversity on soap operas to an interview with Kelis to something called Dear Faggy. I must say this magazine has definitely suprised me. I thought it would be mostly fluff and the latest designer fashions but Bleu delivers on content that challenges the mind as well... definitely a recommendation.

Now I came across Krave, two months ago when I volunteered my special event knowledge to a neighbor who was planning a party at the W Hotel for the magazine. Now Krave like Bleu is also a lifestyle magazine however it is geared to all men… and by the look of the past cover mode I am sure there won't be any hurting for female readers either. Krave features fashion editorials, grooming articles, and tips on fitness. While the pint size magazine is small... it definitely packs a punch and I will definitely be adding it to my subscription list.

Bringing Sexy Back...


With 57% of the votes and his nearest and only competitor, Linda Cropp, only getting 31% of the votes. DC has secured a win on many accounts... Fenty is definitely going to be the neighborhood mayor unlike his predescessor, Anthony Williams who was definitely a downtown mayor. By no means knocking Anthony Williams becuase he totally revitalized the city... but now that the city is on an upswing it is time for someone to finally listen and look out for the poorer residents of the city. He also received an 8.5 (on a 10pt scale) on the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, DC questionnaire concerning many issues affecting gays in the District. The winners in the primary are virtually guaranteed to sweep the general election in the majority-Democrat city.

But enough of that... I just enjoy looking at him. Congrats to Adrian Fenty!!

Thanks for coming out... God Bless... Goodnight


Well another Black Pride has come and gone... and the Labor Day weekend that just seemed that it wouldn't end finally did. I will say in the few activities I did take part in, I definitely had a good time. I won't get into the entire weekend but I will go through a few highlights....

  • Hmmmm Derrick L. Briggs..... hmmmm... I gotta come back to that one

  • Remeeting Maurice Jamal for the second time was definitely cool. His infectious personality is quite contagious. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the invitation only screening of Dirty Laundry because somehow more invitations were given then seats were available... However congrats definitely go out to Maurice who announced that Dirty Laundry was picked up by a studio and will be in theaters next March. (Maurice you owe me a trip to the premiere next year!!)

  • Comedian Sommore... she rocked the Hot Body contest, quickly advising those that shouldn't be on stage to back out now before she had to "Not tell a lie."

  • Toccara Jones of America's Next Top Model Season 3 was absolutely gorgeous in person. A slimmer version (but still nice and thick) opened the Lion's Den Fashion Show on Sunday night where Atlanta's own Monica performed as well.

  • Now back to Mr. Briggs.... I had seen him out once before in NYC but never really paid much attention... but after meeting him and Prodigal Sun out on Thursday night, I definitely paid serious attention. I will just say he is as attractive as he is in pictures, even more personable than one may think... and the smile is a heart stopper (especially when you catch a glimpse of him sweating up the dance floor at Fever with another fellow blogger, who shall remain nameless, and he catches you peeking)

Now of course no big event would be complete without me making a couple criticisms... but the only one that is worth mentioning is the fact that club promoters see pride weekend as the weekend to gouge patrons for every last dollar. If it wasn't paying $20 for one club then offering an after party at another nearby club for $10 (no discount if you came to their first function); or charging people to pay for parking in the convention center parking lot which should have been free, especially seeing most people drove clear across town to attend the event. I am all for capitalism and making money but there has to be some form of humanity in business.... And then to top that at the Unity Picnic in Piedmont they ask people to pick up trash (mind you no one should be throwing trash on the ground that is just careless and stupid) but when you been gouging people all weekend.. you better take a lil of that cash and hire some cleaning people.

With that said the offical gay pride circuit and the summer is coming to and end... see you all next January when ATL kicks it off again with MLK Weekend.