
2 days ago Change moved to Washington... 2 weeks from today I will be standing on the National Mall watching Barack Hussein Obama take the oath of office as the 44th President of the United States of America.

And on that day I will ignore all the ignorant racial and political comments... On that day I will not think of all the expectations I have on the next 8 years... on that day I am going to bare the cold weather and whatever else Mother Nature will bring that day... on that day I will stride through the traffic, gridlock and the inability of the District of Columbia to handle the masses of people that will be here... all with a smile on my face and joy in my heart to be privileged enough to be able to walk a few blocks from my apartment and witness what my grandfather calls the 1964 March on Washington of my lifetime. To be able to tell my children and grandchildren of that day and to tell them I was there.

I am excited... very much so. In just 2 weeks history will be made again and I will be there.


This is me.... said...

I am so jealous. I wish I could be there. My hope for the future is great! Have fun and represent those of us who can't be there well.

Anonymous said...

i so agree with the person above i wish i could have been there as well.

it pains me to hear people who have the opportunity to see it for themselves are choosing to stay home and watch it on tv as if they were living in Pennslyvania or California.

people's comfort is more important than being a part of history.

bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

You're a bit presumptuous with reference to the 'next 8 years', however, I will be at home watching this historic event my self.


That Dude Right There said...

I wish I could just stay up here and attend, but then again, I don't do well in crowds.