The thing I miss the most about my former career in event management was all the travel. I use to be on the road to some city somewhere at least once a month and often up to 12 days a month. But the new J-O-B only has me travelling much less than I would desire. Even my own personal travel has suffered as of late... but I am about to work on that.
Seeing that I haven't been to New York since relocating back to DC this past fall... I am over due for a trip up there and SoHo is overdue abusing my Visa. So I just booked my room and will be booking my train ticket later for the last weekend in June... which happens to be NYC Pride weekend... definitely looking forward to that parade. But I will not be walking from the Grand Hyatt on 42nd to Christopher St with a few stops in between like I did last time with my boy Tim and crew. I hate that my friend Kris left NYC... I was always up for a quick weekend getaway when he was there. Now I only know people that always come to DC to stay with me but have excuses when I want to go up... had to end that quickly.
Later in the summer I will be venturing out to LA or Vegas to kick it with my best friend and of course a year wouldn't be complete without a trip back to St. Kitts.
OK back to work...
At minute 1:30 Liz Trotta makes a joke about killing both Osama and Obama "if we could".
Please email Fox and let them know that their Republican slanted news has gone too far once again.
Oh Morehouse...
24May2008 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 3:10 PM Labels: atlanta, gay, social commentaryI was quite surprised to be reading the paper online and see that Morehouse College was graduating its first white valedictorian in its 141 years of existence. Joshua Packwood grew up in a poor neighborhood in Kansas City, Missouri and told CNN that he had attended a predominantly black high school, and that trouble within his own family led him to live for a time with the family of a black friend. Joshua turned down a full scholarship to Columbia University to attend Morehouse because he had become interested in African-American studies. He said his experience at the college had been overwhelmingly good, and CNN described him as popular among his classmates. However this post isn't about Joshua and how some people didn't feel it was right that a person who earned and maintained a 4.o should be valedictorian because of his race at the historically black college...
This post is about yet another surprising article I was sent this week. The LA Times' article Morehouse College faces its own bias -- against gays, was quite a surprise to me because while recently living in Atlanta I had began to think that the school was finally becoming more progressive in its thinking. Especially with the number of gay students that attend Morehouse. To me it began to become a joke any young college student I met when I first moved back to Atlanta whether it was at the park, at a club, at the mall or online they were all students at Morehouse. Even my neighbor that I blogged about a couple times was a gay student at Morehouse.
Anyway this article by Richard Fausset asks the question can a gay man be a Morehouse Man?
yeah yeah ok shush I have been crazy busy with work for the past two weeks was to work and sleep and eat. But all that is over and I took off today to catch up on sleep but there were a lot of thoughts going through my head over the past two weeks, so I will get them all out now...
- Oooooo R Pissy makes me sick. Defense attorney Sam Adam Jr. said the reason the alleged victim never told the witness she was having a sexual relationship with Kelly was because there wasn't one and "because it's not her on the tape." "Are you asking or telling me?" Jamison shot back.
Adam also showed pictures of a shirtless Kelly and asked Jamison how she knew it was his body on the video. "His head was attached to it," she responded, drawing laughter from several jurors. Please go to jail... directly to jail... and do not collect $200.
- No more recaps of Real World. I use to be really into that show but over the years it has lost its appeal to me.
- Butttttttttttt.... my show So You Think You Can Dance is back!!!! Still lusting after that Danny Tidwell.
- I see Hillary is really trying to set herself up for 2012 in case Obama doesn't win in November. All about self.
- Now that McCain has a crazy preacher behind him... maybe we can finally move past Jeremiah Wright.
- Gas prices and the grocery store are kicking my ass!!! I can't even do home delivery grocery because the delivery rates keep going up.
- I think I have deferred my student loan payments as long as humanly possible... I just got my bill for next month.
- The Game was really good this season... lets see if CW gets rid of it too.
... my day in court will come one day.
So Usher Wants to be on Bottom...
09May2008 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 3:32 PM Labels: entertainmentFrom
In this new track leaked from Usher’s upcoming CD “Here I Stand”, Usher wants you to treat him like he’s your bottom bitch. Is this the “new direction” Usher said his music was going in?
In “Trading Places, Usher sings about switching roles with his date who treats him like a sex object (not unlike the way he treated women before he met Tameka):
You get on top, tonight I’m on the bottom
‘Cause we trading places,
Now put it on me baby ’til I say, ‘ooh wee!’
And tell me to shut up before the neighbors hear me
This is how it feels when you do it like me
We’re trading places
Usher also sings about making the bed up in the morning and fixing breakfast for his date, going shopping so she can drop 6oK on him and “spend it like you really love me”.
Listen: Trading Places
Real World: Hollywood Ep. 3 Where's Joey?
Yet another episode totally consumed with alcohol and drinking. I am just waiting on one of these former roommates hasn't sued MTV yet for turning them into alcoholics. So as they had to the bar roommate Joey finds his former alcoholism at a conflict with the roommate lifestyle. "I can have fun without it as he downs drink number 3," says the fool. So Joey and former stripper Brianna start making out on the dance floor then she turns and kisses some random girl in the club. Only to realize the girl had been doing coke... which she gave up 2 months ago. And then drunk Joey turns into suicidal Joey.... draaaaama.
Since the crew is in Hollywood there will be no job but instead the roommates will be taking improv classes to put on a showcase at the end of the season... "Florals for spring... groundbreaking."
So most of the show was about addictions, drugs, and drinking... but I am sure they will be at a bar in the next episode. Episode 3 and I am already getting bored with this season.
Real World: Hollywood Ep. 4 Joey's Intervention
So the show opens with former stripper Brianna and resident cutie Will heading back to Philly so she can face a warrant for her arrest, as Joey sits at the kitchen table longing to be with her. She isn't out of the door 5 minutes before the female roommates start dogging strippers out.
So as soon as they get to Philly before the boy can even shower... Brianna takes Will to this dive of a strip bar, that looks like it is a double wide or something. As the roommates on the other coast go where..... yep to a bar. Which the night ends with Greg and Joey getting drunk and bringing home 2 unattractive girls to spend the nite.
The show ends with Joey going crazy in his drunken stupor and the producers convincing him to go to rehab for 30 days, which he agrees. Scenes for next week episode includes the roommates out drinking yet again...
No Words: Ride MARTA... It's SMARTA
05May2008 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 10:08 PM Labels: atlanta, No WordsFrom Sunday's Washington Post:
Channel Changer
Three Years Ago, Reggie Hudlin Came To Save a Troubled BET. But Has He?