Repost from Friday, December 09, 2005
Don't Confuse my Lack of Xmas Shopping for Lack of Xmas Spirit
"Are you done with your Christmas shopping?"
"Well seeing I don't do Christmas shopping I guess so."
"Oh why aren't you into Christmas?"
When did going into debt, spending outrageous amounts of money on gifts, waking up at 3am the day after Thanksgiving to go stand outside in some long ass line at WalMart to get that off brand DVD player for $40 become synonymous with Christmas.
While I don't think I will ever raise my child into believing in the entire Santa Claus theme... I believe the aspect of the holiday is only for kids that do not know any better. For me Christmas and the Holiday season is a time to reflect on the gifts that God has given us, and like the Three Wise Men we should bring gifts to him. For me over the past few years these gifts have been volunteering through my church, Metropolitan Baptist Church, raising money at work to purchase gifts for a needy family with young kids, and cleaning out my closets (yes closets its quite sad at times) to donate clothes and shoes to the homeless. I will never forget last Christmas I went to the DC Central Kitchen, a homeless shelter that teaches and educates the homeless in culinary arts and management, to deliver a turkey after hearing on the news that they were short of what they needed to feed all their people. What started off as me dropping off a turkey led to me volunteering 3 additional hours, and became the most rewarding experience of the season.
So while you are out finding a parking space at the nearest mall or typing in your credit card number into the box... don't forget to give a gift in honor of the birthday boy.
Are we there yet?
6 days ago
I can agree to that. To me it is all about the experience with loved ones... I hate being in the mall and waiting in a line for an hour! Uggh!
Yeah, I just had words with someone about this last night. I was told that I was selfish and cheap. I trying to get the person to see "this season is not about getting other people something". It's not like it's their birthday or something. Give something to someone who actually needs it! I'm investing money into a needy family.
I strongly believe that most of us are coming to the conculsion that the Christmas Holiday has been taken out of context. I no longer concentrate on gifts, but rather on friendship and family. This year the gifts are to bare minimum and I have even taken a few people off the friendship list too, this is the season to share of ourselves. Volunteer if not for more than an hour, make a contribution to a charity.
Yep...yep yep I asked those who were going to give me a X-mas present to make a donation in my name to the Ronald McDonald House Charities...
I agree,
The Holidays should be a time where we think less about ourselvers and more about helping others. During this time of year I donate my time and money to various charities and I also look out for the elderly. Whether it is to make sure that they have the essentials of what they need or to show them kindness to let them know that someone cares. It is sad to see that many older ones' family do not take the time to spend with their own parents. Donating my time uplifts my spirit and brings joy to my heart.
Happy Holidays.
The voice of the wise..... You are a true brother and I wish there were more like you out there who thinks of others instead of yourself....... as my co-workers boast about new earrings or new cars, how much food they ate and threw away, or how much they spent on mary, tom and sue, I thought about the many people that only wanted a warm meal or a warm hat to wear during the cold wintry days..... the nursing home needed help with getting some of their residents dressed or fed that day, and the hospital was short staff because people were vacationing in the sun... life goes on and tomorrow comes with the same problems they had the day before, its no holiday for them, its just another day..... the homeless man still doesnt have any socks on today, someone gave him a bottle and said happy holidays, all he needed was a meal and a warm place to sleep, and you have a new fur coat and leather boots that you will only wear a few times and then give away... the lady down the street, her kids are hungry, but you didnt know that because you were too busy buying a new 52 inch TV to replace the 42 inch one.... you speak to her every day... you tell her to have a good day.....her children are not eating shrimp and roasted chicken or ham, they are eating whatever she has to give them..... usually WIC cereal, because its close to the end of the month,,,, they want toys too but most of all, they want a warm meal, some heat, a warm coat. The spirit of Christmas is too commercial now and my heart is sadden by the selfishness that we portray as human beings...... Christians boasting about what the pastor did, and someone in your congregation is in need and you dont see it because youre blinded by something...... GOD has blessed you but you dont know how to give that blessing to someone else.... I spent my Christmas in the nursing home with my mother who is not doing well, while the parties were going on, and everyone else was drinking and partying, I sat and cried as I read cards and letters that were sent to her, but she did not know I was even there. I am blessed to still have her to share my holiday with.... GOD Bless you, keep your spirit and remember there is always someone in need.... every day! Peace to you!
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