This past week, I think I have been rolling my eyes and letting out sighs because of dumb shit that celeberties are saying...
"I can't point the finger at the white media. They don't care about us. So when you hear crap about us, it is coming from our own community, which hurts."-- Gabrielle Union told Essence.
Well dear Gabby... stop putting out bullshit like that Christmas movie and you won't hear crap. It is time for black consumers to stop accepting the bullshit movies that are coming out. And you wonder why you aren't at the Oscars.
"The number one thing you can give people is consciousness, to remind them they are already rich." -- Russell Simmons
Don't you hate when a multi millionaire tells you that you are already rich. Shut that shit up Russy.
"I am loving me some me. This is the happiest I've ever been. I made it through the fire." -- Chaka Khan
Well hopefully next time you sing the song you will remember the damn lyrics.
"Unlike other rappers, we've had physical altercations with this guy. We whipped his a** and he sued us. So, it's deeper than just's a real beef." -- Irv Gotti on his and Ja Rule's beef with 50 Cent
I wish rappers would just rap. I mean please trying to be hood and gangsta with several million in the bank is really played and tired... look at T.I.
"I'm the hottest bitch out. I'm real cocky these days, huh? I'm loving it." -- Lil' Kim.
The hottest mess... she is 3 surgeries and a couple bleach treatments from being Mike's twin.
"A flat stomach is nice. Let me get my first 'View' paycheck." -- Sherri Shepherd on liposuction.
Everytime she opens her mouth I cringe
ok at first I wasn't going to say anything because I hate speculating about people's sexuality or relationships or lifes but... nevermind I ain't gonna say anything.
Because I am Tired of Being Asked about Xmas...
Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 7:14 AM Labels: personalRepost from Friday, December 09, 2005
Don't Confuse my Lack of Xmas Shopping for Lack of Xmas Spirit
"Are you done with your Christmas shopping?"
"Well seeing I don't do Christmas shopping I guess so."
"Oh why aren't you into Christmas?"
When did going into debt, spending outrageous amounts of money on gifts, waking up at 3am the day after Thanksgiving to go stand outside in some long ass line at WalMart to get that off brand DVD player for $40 become synonymous with Christmas.
While I don't think I will ever raise my child into believing in the entire Santa Claus theme... I believe the aspect of the holiday is only for kids that do not know any better. For me Christmas and the Holiday season is a time to reflect on the gifts that God has given us, and like the Three Wise Men we should bring gifts to him. For me over the past few years these gifts have been volunteering through my church, Metropolitan Baptist Church, raising money at work to purchase gifts for a needy family with young kids, and cleaning out my closets (yes closets its quite sad at times) to donate clothes and shoes to the homeless. I will never forget last Christmas I went to the DC Central Kitchen, a homeless shelter that teaches and educates the homeless in culinary arts and management, to deliver a turkey after hearing on the news that they were short of what they needed to feed all their people. What started off as me dropping off a turkey led to me volunteering 3 additional hours, and became the most rewarding experience of the season.
So while you are out finding a parking space at the nearest mall or typing in your credit card number into the box... don't forget to give a gift in honor of the birthday boy.
Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds
13Dec2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 1:00 AM Labels: entertainmentJust one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds. That is all I ask.
Let me first say that I recognize and enjoy the talent of Beyonce Knowles. She is my homegirl you know, we are both from Houston, albeit vastly different sides of the city but we both still represent. Ole Bey is accomplishing things many twice her age would kill for. But I still need just one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds. That is all I ask.
I mean just check out her list of awards on wikipedia... it goes on and on and on. She is hooked up with Jay, a poetic legend and mogul. And how many people do you know can ride one fucking album for three years. But you know what please, jJust one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds. That is all I ask.
I would like just one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds without hearing one of her songs; seeing one of her commercials; thumbing through one magazine without seeing a story, ad, or review; or even hearing someone mention her name.
Seeing that she went strong and basically crushed her sister's 2nd solo release, when most thought she would take a step back... I have totally given up on the notion that she may take a vacation for a month or two and will settle for just one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds.
House of Deréon, Pepsi, L'Oreal, Samsung, American Express, Empirio Armani, DirecTV, Ford, Milk, McDonald's. The girl is raking in the dollars (can I just get a few thousand to pay off these student loans). But just one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds.
Maybe I have to just stay in my house alone, not watch TV, turn off my radio alarm clock, dare not to open my Black Enterprise or Essence, not even go near my DVDs and not talk to most homos or my girls. And if you think I am playing start counting now and count for one entire day how many times Beyonce filtrates your life.
Not MyFault Suicide
05Dec2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 12:09 AM Labels: social commentary, violenceOften in response to different stories in the news, me and my friends begin to discuss What is Wrong with America?? Well the discussions this past few days have covered many topics from Redskin's Shawn Taylor's death to the recent MySpace death in Kansas. The latter story has been annoying me the most.
For those who have been living under a rock the story goes like this:
The hoax centered on a MySpace profile that appeared to belong to a boy named Josh Evans who contacted the girl, Megan Meier, in September 2006 when she was 13. After a month long flirtation, Josh’s e-mail suddenly turned nasty, and he and Megan quarreled online. Megan hanged herself on Oct. 16, 2006, the day after she received a message from Josh saying, “I don’t like the way you treat your friends, and I don’t know if I want to be friends with you.”
Lori Drew, an adult neighbor who lives four houses from the Meier family, said in a police report that she created the Josh Evans character to gain Megan’s trust and learn what Megan thought of Ms. Drew’s daughter, a former friend of Megan’s.
Reaction to the case has been strong, with angry postings on the Internet identifying the family behind the fake profile. The household has reported vandalism, including a brick through a window, once word got out about the circumstances surrounding the death.
Now let me preface this by saying that Lori Drew, needs her ass whipped. But after initially hearing this story my first thoughts weren't will Lori be charged but where the hell were Megan's parents?
I believe we always want to pass of blame for situations on other people but never claim our portion in the mess. Megan was 13, her parents should have been monitoring her internet activity and better yet if their child was that insecure and lacked self esteem, she had no business on MySpace or any other social networking site. But no of course Megan is the victim so her parents can now go on national tv snottin and cryin about their being no justice, since Lori is not being prosecuted. I say Lori should serve some time and so should her parents for child neglect and raising a child with out any self esteem. But that is just me...
Dirty Laundry in NYC & LA
04Dec2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 9:02 AM Labels: entertainment, gayIn case for some reason you have been under a rock and hadn't heard... Maurice Jamal's Dirty Laundry hits theaters this Friday in New York and Los Angeles, with other cities opening later in the month.
http://www.dirtylaundrythemovie.comDIRTY LAUNDRY IN THEATERS OPENS:
Mann Beverly Center Cinemas (Inside Beverly Center)
8522 Beverly BoulevardLos Angeles, CA 90038
Clearview Chelsea Theater
West 23rd Street (b/t 7th & 8th)
New York, NY 10011
Living in the Midst of an Epidemic
01Dec2007 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 12:00 AM Labels: DC, hiv, social commentary- Between 1997 and 2006, almost 70 percent of all AIDS cases progressed from HIV to AIDS in less than 12 months after the initial HIV diagnosis, primarily due to late testing, compared to 39 percent nationally.
- Although African-American residents account for 57 percent of the District’s population, they account for 81 percent of new reports of HIV cases. African-American women constitute 58 percent of the District’s female population, but account for 90 percent of all new female HIV cases.
- Heterosexual contact in the District is the leading mode of HIV transmission at 37 percent of newly reported infections, while nationally men who have sex with men lead new transmissions.
- The District’s rate for newly reported AIDS cases is higher than rates in Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City, Detroit and Chicago.
- The majority of newly reported cases were among residents ages 30 to 49.