I thought this past summer's series was mediocre at best... and so far this season of So You Think You Can Dance is not grabbing my attention. But as a fan of dance I will watch faithfully each week.
I have always been a fan of dance, even before my years working at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, where I was exposed to many different dance styles. But Tap has never been a favorite... never even a like for me. Very surprised that they decided on three tappers... and their opening introductions are so annoying. I was disappointed at the judges decision to send Arianna home. Not only was she a cutey... but she was by far not the worse female dancer last night.
Victor Smalley and Bianca's Travis Wall's routine was by far my favorite. Victor is a cute guy and probably the only thing to swoon over this season. He definitely brought it in that routine. The contemporary piece was steamy, passionate, and filled with emotions, that also required a lot of strength to accomplish the moves.
I am excited to see what the choreographers bring this season while Victor is a cutey... I guess every season can't have Danny Tidwell...
So You Think You Can Dance... season 6 begins
30Oct2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 11:38 PM Labels: entertainmentOne thing that annoys the shit out of me is stupidity. Because stupidty can be prevented by listening and educating yourself on the subject at hand.
Yesterday the DC Council held an open forum for citizens to speak about the upcoming vote on the Same Sex Marriage Bill before the council. Below you have a prime case of stupidity.
I wish people would understand two things: (1) The United States of America Constitution's 1st Amendement states that there is a freedom of religion in this country. This means the government can not pass a bill based on your religious beliefs on how I should conduct my life. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (2) this is not even a religious debate... so keep your Bible quotes in your church where they belong.
Push, a novel by Sapphire
17Oct2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 9:51 PM Labels: publications, reviewsI had never heard of this book before Oprah and Tyler Perry started talking about their part in bringing it to the big screen earlier this year. It wasn't until I started seeing the trailers of Lee Daniel's upcoming film called Precious which is based on this novel that I wanted to read the novel.
I guess I should have posted this sooner... but I have just been uninspired which is why I haven't written anything. Which is odd because there is a lot going on or not going on.
Two years ago I left the association event planning world to go into the private sector and started working in the hospitality industry which I had been planning to do for years prior. Well with the fall out of the economy it has proven to not have been the absolute best time for that transition. Luxury hotels have been hit extremely hard. With occupancy and revenue down, we have seen several lay offs and hiring freezes. I am thankful to God that I have escaped two rounds of layoffs but getting the promotion (and much needed salary bump)that was on my career plan is pretty much on hold. But yet again glad to have a job and coworkers I enjoy seeing every day.
I have several trips coming up... NY at the beginning of November for a housewarming party. And then a 2 week vacation around Thanksgiving that will take me to Atlanta, Birmingham, Auburn, and St. Kitts ... and will end the vacation in NY at a friends birthday party. 5 cities in 14 days... I am going to need 2 more days just to rest.
As for the personal side of life... I decided earlier this summer not to discuss that on here for now out of courtesy of a mutual agreement to keep things out of discussions. Things are good... could be better... but definitely content with what I have now.
I just picked up Saphhire's Push (aka the movie Precious) at the Barnes and Noble near my job... it should only take a day to finish this small book especially on a rainy weekend like this... and I am sure it will give me something to write about so I will be back soon.
And that is what is going on with me... sorry for the long pause.