Farewell... Ted Kennedy
26Aug2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 8:08 AM Labels: farewell, politicsThe Nine Lives of Marion Barry...
11Aug2009 Posted by C. Baptiste-Williams at 7:29 PM Labels: DC, politics, reviews Before watching HBO's documentary, The Nine Lives of Marion Barry, I never quite understood why DC's Ward 8, the blackest and poorest ward, kept electing 'this crack head' into office.
The film chronicles DC's former mayor's 2004 City Council campaign by looking back at Barry's long love affair and political career with Washington. Barry served second elected mayor of Washington DC from 1979 to 1991, and again as the fourth mayor from 1995 to 1999. During his original tenure of mayor DC prospered to having the largest black middle class in the country. But like Barry, the prevalence of crack in the 80s took that away.
I learned a lot from the 90 minute documentary... I never knew the civil rights activist and organizer that Barry was. And quite a cat daddy in his past. But like all good things they must come to an end. Since his federal drug bust in 1990, the former mayor has continued on the same controversial path. From tax evasion, to failing court ordered drug tests, even to his most recent Washington City Paper expose. He has proven by his continuous lack in judgement he has no right to serve the city of Washington or be a role mode to the many young residents. Like Chris Rock said... how can you teach kids not to smoke crack... when all they will say is why not when I can smoke crack and become mayor.
Recently in response to the City Council's vote to recognize gay marriage, Barry stated "All hell is going to break loose. We may have a civil war. The black community is just adamant against this." Well Mr. Barry... not the entire black community.