Does This Girl Ever Rest...


Listen to Beyonce - Beautiful Nightmare

Don't Meet the Browns


Dear Tyler,

That was some bullshit and you know it.

I have never been a huge fan of yours and often rejected this notion that you are showing black America on film. In fact the only thing missing from this film was a monkey and black face. But after your last movie, Why Did I Get Married?, I thought your craft was improving. And then you went and created this bullshit.

It was too my horror that my favorite Emmy and Academy Award-nominated, and Golden Globe winning actress who has flawlessly played many great characters was reduced to star in this film. It truly must be a hard time in Hollywood for black actresses. And for the record she is the ONLY reason I went to see what I figured would be total nonsense.

I haven't seen all the many Madea plays but even I noticed you made Mr. Brown's wife his daughter in the movie... and what was the point of Medea and the car chase, that had absolutely nothing to do with the story and seemed like a last minute chance for you to dress in drag yet again. The storyline was so predictable and unbelievable at the same time. For example, it just so happens the person recruiting Lance Goss' character in Chicago happens to live down the street from your family in some small ass town in Georgia. I could go on and on.

The directing of my high school musical my senior year was ten times better... the editing was choppy.. the storyline was unrealistic and not believable at all. Tyler you owe me $11.25. Actually seeing the beautiful Angela Basset was probably worth $3... but I want my change.


Where Da Hell You Been?!?!


Yeah I know it has been a week but hell I was busy with family and travelling.

So I actually decided to go to the nonsense wedding I blogged about last month. Flying to the middle of west Texas is always an excruciating experience. And when I tell you it was a complete and utter ghetto mess. OOOOOO I wish I had taken a picture or two of this. And most of you may think 'this bourgeois asshole would call anything ghetto' but when the usher is walking down the aisle with one of those Bic Lighter guns with a ribbon tied around it... what else can it be.

So of course my first question to my mother when she told me my 26yo cousin with no career, no degree, and removable gold fronts was marrying a 36yo woman was Is she pregnant or desperate? Well seeing her waddle down the aisle answered both questions to the affirmative. I just looked at my cousin from Florida and mouthed... told you so. So after the wedding I tell my mother... I told you she was pregnant, I get a response well we didn't know she was always shaped funny. At that moment I was officially done and ready to fly back to Dallas.

Now don't get me wrong the highlight of the trip was definitely seeing my mother, grandparents, great aunts and cousins... but the Erykah Badu concert featuring the Roots was everything. I had just seen Erykah six months ago at the Verizon party at Love Nightclub here in DC. But when I tell you Badu carried on and on. It is rare when a true R&B singer gives you a show at a concert and that is definitely what she does. She is so entertaining to watch and wonder what her crazy ass is going to do next.

The next 3 days were filled with scheduled meetings which all could have been condensed into a day and half but I won't complain since I was staying at the amazing Four Seasons Resort and Club Dallas at Las Collinas. The amazing weather (less the never ending rain storm on Tuesday) allowed me to sit poolside up until 9pm each night. Damn.... I am loving this new job.
Standing on my patio every morning looking at this course had me wishing I knew something about golf.
Good times but definitely good to be back in DC... see Texas in another 3 years.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 times I have witnessed perfection


Tonight's concert was phenomenal. No more needs to be said, but check this concert when it comes near you.

Finally A Reason to Subscribe to HBO...


Yes another post this week about my girl Jilly from Philly (Did I mention I am going to see her tonite?!?!?!) Well HBO has picked up the adaptation of the best-selling books "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" by Alexander McCall Smith.

"The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" stars my favorite singer Jill Scott as Precious Ramotswe, the proprietor of the only female-owned detective agency in Botswana. Two other favorites, Anika Noni Rose who plays her quirky secretary in the series and Idris 'damn he is sexy' Elba star in the show as well.

HBO has partnered with the Weinstein Co. and the BBC on the drama series, ordering 13 hourlong episodes to begin filming in the summer. That's in addition to the two-hour pilot that Minghella recently shot in Botswana. Finally something new and different... I mean when was the last time, let alone the first time, you have seen a drama series set in Africa. Many thanks to HBO for adding some color to the television.

Jill, Erykah, Momma, and Me


This is going to be a great week...

It started today with a great day of work visiting clients with reps from two of our European properties. I love networking with other sales managers from all over our company... at the end of 2009 I will be calling upon some of these contacts to help me secure the next position.
Sunday, Mister Selfish aka X surprised me with tickets to see the Jill Scott concert at DAR Constitution Hall this Wednesday. In case you didn't know I am a huge Jilly from Philly fan. This will be the 8th time I have seen her live and I think it was a very thoughtful gift. I never mentioned I wanted to go but three weeks ago when we were out having dinner he asked me what was my favorite song as of late and on that conversation he took it up on himself to give me a early birthday gift.

I like a man that pays attention.

I've been talking to this man... He's been saying what I like and
He makes me smile, When I'm down, so down
He says sweet things in my ear... All the things that I needed to hear
But that's as far as it's gone... I promise, I promise
- J. Scott, Whenever You're Around, "The Real Thing: Words And
Sounds Vol. 3" (2007)

But the week gets even better. I already blogged about the nonsense wedding that my fam is having this weekend in Texas. I decided to go but not so much for the wedding but to see my mother and grandparents and nephew. I haven't seen them in forever and my grandparents aren't getting any younger. And anytime I can see my mother I am all over it. The fact that I also have to go to Dallas for a business meeting starting on Sunday doesn't hurt... especially since they are picking up the tab for the flight already.

But the highlight of the trip other than seeing my moms is none other than getting the opportunity to see Erica Abi Wright aka Erykah Badu. Another friend that knew I was coming to town and that my birthday was coming up soon secured "great seats" (as he says) for her concert this Saturday. I just saw Erica in concert in September but with the release of her new album just two weeks ago I am even more excited to see her perform some of those new songs live.

I am a huge fan of Common, Erykah Badu and Jill Scott and the only thing that would make this week even better is if someone surprises me with tickets to see Common... feel free to take that hint!!!


This past Saturday, Cover to Cover met for the 6th time to discuss This Place of Men by Doug Cooper Spencer. While I have had the book for about a month... I didn't start reading this interesting 360 page story until the week before the meeting.

This Place Of Men explores the lives of two men who struggle with truth and sexual identity. As teenagers the two main characters, Otis and Terrell, were lovers until they were torn apart by Terrell's father and his pastor causing the two men's live to take two different paths. Otis returns home twenty years later to confront the family that turned their back on him and the lover that denied him. While Terrell confronts the life that he chose and his true identity that he has denied himself for twenty years.

The story to me was new and different from any other gay novel I have read... however it was often anticlimactic. Poignant parts of the story that you look forward to happening were often mentioned as an after thought or never explained. The story was also convoluted with unnecessary characters that didn't add much to the story or its purpose. I can think of at least 4 characters that could have been left out and 4 that could have been explored more.

I think for the most part the entire group agreed that it was a good story with a disappointing and rushed ending.

The group's discussion as usual ended up being a party with plenty of alcohol and food, a deck of cards and music... good times. Sorry I will miss the sports outing this upcoming weekend.

Next month's book is Manhood by L M Ross or The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah... can't remember we chose April and May last night.

Dumb Ass Tattoos


It was probably about 2 years ago now, when me and my two friends D&D ended up at a tattoo parlor in College Park, MD picking out tattoos from off the wall. Somehow they had finally talked me into taking the huge step that I had been contemplating for awhile.

After an hour of waiting, I picked out the Aries symbol I thought I wanted, sat in the chair and prepared to have my upper back tatted. I had been going back and forth the entire hour but it was hearing the needle turn on that made me think, "Do I really want this on my body for the rest of my life..." The same thoughts that had been preventing me from getting a tattoo before.

I have always said when I can think of that one thing, I will do it. I am still tattoo less today.

But what got me thinking of this is all the dumb ass tattoos I have seen lately. Mind you this is my opinion but as the blog headline states... "my thoughts, my opinions...." Take for instance dumb ass tattoo #1.... 38yo with a tattoo of an ill drawed cartoon character, when I asked him what it meant he said "nothing I was just young, I got it when I was 27." Tattoo #2... 27yo with wings... on his chest. Tattoo #3... 21yo with his ex's name on his back... how fucking dumb can you be.

I think some tattoos can be very beautiful pieces of artwork. And often ask to get a closer look when I can. But some shit like Eve's titty tatts and Angelina's 2nd or third ex husband's name make me just shake my head and wonder.