1. Wearing a wifebeater as a mini dress.... No Words..
2. Videotaping his future drag performance... No Words..
3. Testing the water temperature (min 3:11) before turning on the shower... No Words..
4. Another confused child facing gender identity issues... No Words
Are we there yet?
2 weeks ago
i cant take it
as you would say... let us pray!
I can't do anything but laugh!!
my lawd!
man thank you-i needed a laugh on this Monday!
Leave the kid alone.. At least he has a little class.. He hid his goodies like a proper lil lady...
Welcome to the world of transgender people. If that's what he is. Transgender people are here to stay. They ain't going anywhere.
LOL @ Corey - not a "proper lil lady." That's hilarious.
Um, yea - this is too funny. No words!
I agree ... just a damn mess. ROFLOL!!
lmbo...what's going on with our youth?
Step away from the TV pa...those fuckin' video remakes are ruining your life...LOL
I mean im not one to judge. BUTTTTT if he lives in Georgia we gon have a problem. We ARE in a DROUGHT. If i cant wash my damn car in my driveway then he cant be havin no music videos in the shower. Unless hes using recycled water of course lol.
A hot ass mess!
He was really makin sure the water was juuuuuuuuuust right.lol
He looks like a confused otter
I'm like you . . . ."NO WORDS"
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