It amazes me how people just pull shit out their asses to justify why things don't go their way. But anyway doesn't the black chick look like a character from South Park?
Are we there yet?
2 weeks ago
It amazes me how people just pull shit out their asses to justify why things don't go their way. But anyway doesn't the black chick look like a character from South Park?
This blog is a chronicle of my writings, my thoughts, my opinions, my life... simply stated my HisStory. Since its conception in 2005, I have been expressing my own view on things around me... stepped on a few toes and bruised a couple egos. But the good thing about life is we don't have to agree but we can respect each other's opinions.
you are so mean but always so right LOL she does look like the chef's wife
@celeste - she does look like chef's wife...lmao!!!
i am so over these hillary supporters. really can we not be more progressive than this?
Chef needs to backhand that ass! She could also play Loretta's sister on Family Guy.
Both of these chicks are dumb as a box of rocks. Everyone seems to be responsible for Hillary's loss except Hillary.
wow so they will vote for McCain, if Hillary isn't nominated, well that just goes to show that they were not for Hillary becuz of her issues, they where for Hillary only becuz she was a woman and that just as bad as voting for Obama only becuz he is black, so sad. I personally was for Hillary but im also proud that obama is the nominee and I will most def be voting for him becuz their issues were not too far apart from each other so why be so upset if one get it over the other, people really need a life.
LMAO!! Y'all have me CTHU over here. I too am over these Hillary supporters. Ignorance is an epidemic.
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