I would pay good money to know what Anna Wintour really things of ALT.
Are we there yet?
2 weeks ago
This blog is a chronicle of my writings, my thoughts, my opinions, my life... simply stated my HisStory. Since its conception in 2005, I have been expressing my own view on things around me... stepped on a few toes and bruised a couple egos. But the good thing about life is we don't have to agree but we can respect each other's opinions.
Andre Leon Talley is a big ol' gueen. And there is NOTHING wrong with that! Or do you think there is?
why u hating on andre???
I never said I disliked ALT or thought he was a queen... i simply asked a question. if i wanted to call him a tacky queen I would have but i actually like him and have read his boring book.
often when you go reading into things you make an ass of yourself.
why do both of them look to be in night clothes and slippers????
I never had words for this one!!
oh my those shoes, im sorry i have to say that is tacky lol
Dammit I will say it. The man is tacky. There is a fine line between tacky and couture. Tacky seems to be his forte'. He and Tacky Tina Knowles make a fine pair. LOL!!
ALT, child, you are a fashion world diva, but, come on now, you look like Flo Evans from 'Good Times" in that outfit topped off with a turban!
It's a turban? I thought it was a chef's cap.
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