Evangelical Christian Republicans Make Me Sick

Love one another... blah blah blah

Do not judge.... blah blah blah

I love it when these holier than though, family values, gay bashing Republicans get caught up in scandal whether it is trolling for dick in an airport restroom or getting caught in same sex S & M acts or with prostitutes in luxury hotel rooms (no such thing as bad press).

I love it because each time I hope that these people and their followers will finally wake up and  realize the truth that no one is perfect and maybe they shouldn't judge other people's struggle or path in life. 

But alas they don't and their scorned leader is casted aside until they make a ugly face tearful plea on national TV begging for forgiveness. 

Why is it they always want to run and blame an alleged sexual abuse on turning them to gay sex... sounds very Donnie McClurkish to me.  And why do people keep believing this nonsense. I just hope there is a warm place in these people's future.


Unknown said...

they need God MORE than we do...

Darius T. Williams said...

Donnie McClurkish?!?! - I'm falling OUT!

Anonymous said...

dude u and me both

Anonymous said...

These people are the biggest hypocrites EVER! Throwing rocks and hiding their hands are their MO. The same is true with Palin and McCain. They tried their damndest to tie Obama to William Ayers and it still didn't work. Meanwhile, Obama said nothing about McCain's character i.e. the story of how he left his first, ailing wife and carried on an affair with Cindy McCain for quite some time before they married. Umph!