ok so I was watching NBC4 this evening and a they did a news story about the rapid rise of scooters being stolen in the District and the rapid rise of sales of these scooters.
I often joked when watching TV and seeing developing countries and the amount of people who would ride scooters there that one day I am going to get one to save on some gas. And now that gas prices are $4.19 a gallon, it may be that time. So while watching the story I jumped online to see how much these things go for. The prices range from about $1800 to $5200 for the Vespa below.
So the guy on the news said the scooters get about 45 - 50 mpg. So of course my mind went into overdrive trying to compute what that would mean to me.... the 1.5 gallon tank would mean 75 miles I could drive. 75 miles is about 9 days of driving the 3.7 miles it takes me to get to work. So for about $6 I could get to work for 2 weeks... damn that is cheaper than Metro.

So what do you think? Anybody out there want to contribute to the Scooter Fund???
that vespa is actually cute id ride it.
They're cute...I'm just afraid of gettin' plowed down in the big city...and what to do with the fuckin' helmet when you go out?
i am diggin' that look though.
if i got one i would probably use it recreationally. i just can't see myself riding it to work.
no no no this would only be to go to work and home not going out.
Oh yeah, that's one option I too will be considering.
You got me thinking! I do way too much distance and highway driving for a scooter!
my scooter gets 90 mpg, so your calculations should be halved. http://www.genuinescooters.com/
Remember to add the cost of the bike (spread it over 3-4 years) and maintenance. But still probably cheaper. And you still have to park it somewhere (more of an issue in urban/close suburb environments, which is pretty much the operating area for these things). Sadly, still probably cheaper than Metro.
Not to damper on anyone's parade what about the safety of driving a Vespa? Is there a way to find out the number of accidents people have on those things?
Yea, I think I could use a scooter here in Chicago - but what do you do in the winter?
I thought I was the only one noticing this but I guess it's nationwide. Up in the Bean, we got scooters EVERYWHERE it seems. Funny seeing thugs cruising around on a Vespa but hey, whatever floats ya boat!
O GOD NEVER!!! I wouldn't half step. If I don't get a all out bike (motorcycle), then I'll stick to my car. Be safe yo.
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