While Willie Gary is no angel, Diana was a mistress.. a ho.. a jumpoff, why does she think because she slept with a married man she is entitled to his way of life? Gary's only responsibility is to the two kids. And I believe $5,000, tuition and health insurance is more than enough. If he wants his kids to have anything else then he can provide that but the ho should have took the $14,000 offered now she will have to manage with just half that. Diana is a sad example of a strong black mother.

Child support limits face test: Mom asks court for $28K a month
By Beth Warren The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Published on: 01/21/07
At last count, Florida attorney Willie Gary raked in roughly $1 million a month. Featured on the TV show "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," the 59-year-old lives in a sprawling, $6 million waterfront home in Stuart, Fla. His law firm, which recently employed former Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell, has three posh offices and owns two jets, including a 32-passenger Boeing 737 outfitted with an 18-karat gold sink and a $1.2 million sound system. But just how much money is too much money to pay in child support?
Atlanta resident Diana Gowins —- the mother of twins fathered by Gary —- could find out soon.
The 36-year-old is seeking to have reinstated a $28,000 a month judgment that was slashed last year to $5,000 by a judge who cited concerns about Gowins' spending habits and lack of a job.
The case, which is headed to the Georgia Court of Appeals for review, could set a precedent in how to deal with child support battles among the small number of Georgians who are so rich that current laws offer no directives. "At this level of income, the guidelines stop providing a lot of guidance. There's not that many people of this wealth," said Marietta family law attorney Stephen Steele, who helped craft state child support guidelines that took effect this month.
Gary, who is married to his childhood sweetheart, and Gowins met in January 2000 at a Florida event honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Gary was the keynote speaker and Gowins, who excelled at track, was seeking sponsorship as an Olympic hopeful. The two agreed to meet for business, but ended up having sex. Gowins, who became pregnant and gave birth to twins who are now 6, says she and Gary have dated on and off for four years. Gary's attorneys say the pair had two rendezvous at a hotel. Gowins has sole custody of the twins.
Gary's attorneys said he was willing to pay $14,000 a month until he found out Gowins had stopped putting money into a college fund for the twins and was instead spending much of the cash on herself. Gowins, who lives in a $600,000 home in south Atlanta, splurged on designer clothes, cruises without the kids and a tummy tuck, Gary's attorneys contend. She also spent thousands of his money on a Steinway piano, as well as private school tuition and diamonds for her oldest child, a teenage daughter from a previous relationship, they said.
Gary's attorneys filed court documents asking the judge to reduce the child support payments.
A judge heard evidence from both sides, then cut the payments to $5,000, not including expenditures for health insurance and school tuition. In taking the action, the judge cited Gowins' spending and her lack of employment. A former nurse, Gowins said the accusations that she's spending fistfuls of money aren't true. She also said she doesn't work because she wants to be a stay-at-home mom who is active in her children's academic and social lives. "I think it's very important my children have me at their side," she said.
As for the judge's ruling, "It's very insulting to me," said Gowins. "I'm not the first and won't be the last to be a stay-at-home mom. I do have a job. I take care of the children, cook and clean."
The state Court of Appeals agreed to review the case and decide whether the judge should have revisited the amount after initially ordering Gary to pay $28,000. The state's current child support law charts out specific amounts Georgians must pay for their offspring, but it tops out at an income of $30,000 a month.
"There's not law that says what's right when you make $1 million a month," said veteran family law attorney Randy Kessler, who represents Gowins. Gary, who teamed with famed boxer Evander Holyfield and others to buy a cable TV network, was one of 11 children. His Web site tells of a rags-to-riches story of first toiling as a migrant worker before heading to law school and ultimately earning national recognition. He boasts of trying cases in 45 states and winning more than 150 cases worth $1 million or more, including a $240 million verdict in 2000 after teaming with the late Johnnie Cochran to sue entertainment giant Disney. His net worth is estimated at $60 million.
Gowins says Gary has called the twins only twice since 2004. His attorneys say he's stayed away to avoid interacting with Gowins. "Her lies and thievery make it difficult for him to trust her," said Tamar Oberman Faulhaber, one of Gary's attorneys.
Gowins dismissed that. "It's very hurtful," she said. "I feel like: 'Why introduce yourself to my children and not carry out your parental role?' "
i agree she abused the child support. it is exactly what it is called child support, not let me stay at home and go on a cruise money.
Yeah...this is a tough one. I agree Red... the money received should strictly be for the children, their home, their education and their care. Mommy's tummy tuck, etc. are not benefiting them in any way - unless of course, they count toward her maintenance money used to recruit them a new dad.... LOL :)
this aint tough... she was after money from the beginning.
....I ain't sayin she a gold digga...
They both need to be thumped up side the head. If he hadn't cheated on his wife, he would not be in this situation. I hate infidelity and those that facilitate it.
I agree that she shouldn't abuse the system, but...this is a high profile man...she has his children and at anytime his children can become targets for any and everything....also think about who knows what this woman was told by him. If those are his two children, a man in his position could've taken many precautions before the births of these kids...I think like in many cases there is more to this story.
Don't really care for people who misuse and abuse others. Damn, she is one ugly bitch.
Plalyboy adonis, you are ugly to
all yall bitches need a fuckin life. especially the faggot ass nigga who even put this shit on here. yall is some chasers. yall chasing another bitch life and commenting on some shit yall dont know shit about. worry bout how much u get a month for child support from them broke ass niggas yall mutts fuckin. dont worry bout what the fuck cuz do wit hers. yall rank ass hos just hatin cause yall aint shit and ya bastard ass children aint never gone be shit. cuz doin thangs. dont worry bout dat. and the children is well taken care of. no worries. livin life. live yours bitches. have a blessed day.
if he was actively involved in his young children's lives, then i might understand a reason for the reduction. however he makes over $1 a MONTH, spends $150K/mo on the upkeep of ONE of his private jets and he's bitching about paying $28k/mo for his CHILDREN?? what a pompous deadbeat jerk. it's obvious the woman is a gold digging home wrecker and i hope her daughters don't grow up to emulate her trifling behavior. she didn't want anything but his money and he wanted to screw around. they got what they wanted, so he needs to be quiet. as far as the support order, it was fair, considering it was based upon a percentage of his income. he has no right to dictate how the money should be spent, especially when he doesn't even see his children(though common sense would say it be used to support the children). men kill me with that mess, thinking taking care of their kids means sending a check every now and then. get the hell outta here with that bs.
I meant he makes over $1 million a month, not $1. sorry
not hating she and her family came to the drs. office in orlando and her twins was dirty and was'nt dress all i'm saying is if u get that much please have your kids clean the very next time we as your drs, office have to see your twins because that was just not cause for when you get that much money it's some mothers out there who would love for there kids dad to pay something and here you are being blessed and not knowing what to do with it just take care of the twins better
It's simple
You play............You pay...
What is it gonna take for men with money and without, but especially with, to learn that you cannot go around having unprotected sex with random women!! They don't want you!!! They want your lifestyle!! Get off of your high horse thinking that everyone wants to be with you. They hope you get them pregnant!! Thats the VAST majority of people (men and women), I don't care what anybody says...
Well I must agree with everyone that child support should not be abused. However those children are entitled to the best lifestyle both parents can afford. So with that said if dad is making a million a dang MONTH, why should the kids only get $25oo a piece, please!!! Is she abusing the money obviously, but in my opinion 28k is nothing compared to his income. But she does need to get her gold digging butt up and get a dang job. Well maybe this is her job, having babies with millionaires.
There is not an issue here. The law requires the father to pay a certain percentage of his income for child support. That support is to be an amount that would care for the child as if the father lived in the household with his children. So, He makes a mill a month.. 28k is probably not enough.
Then at the end of the day if he did not want to pay child support he could have at least used preventive measures. Nothing is 100% but as intelligent as he is supposed to be.. one would think he gave the "old college try" to prevent the pregnancy.
Anyhoo.. he lives in a mansion.. the kids deserve one as well... he drives well.. fly well....the kids should do so too... this man should not be complaining...
After reading this story and have grown up with Diana this is in fact of greed and desiring to live above your means. All sincerity your children welfare should have been priority - not you. Your mother lived such a similar lifestyle living off of men and destroying households - I pray for you Diana because you are walking a dangerous line. Don't live the life your mother did and suffer as she did leading up to her death.
Money is not everything - you need to regroup and put the Lord Jesus Christ first in your life and your life will fall into place.
You reap what you sow.
People please! Why are we such damn haters. Just because you or your mother struggled to take care of kids when he father left does not make you a martyr. Sometimes you are just being plain damn ignorant and stupid. Children need love, support, and money to have a productive and successful life. That's what is wrong with so many of our kids now. Too many sisters trying to be the "strong black woman just like my mama". When are we going to learn that holding the fathers accountable is a part, too, of being a strong black woman. There is more to being a strong black woman than working ourselves into an early grave and having not spent adequate time with our children. My son is now 19 years old. I became a single mom when he was 4 years old. I got child support from Alabama. The dad makes about $120,000.00 a year and paid only $780.00 a month. I could never get it to court for an increase because it would have been about $4,000.00 to hire an attorney for te case again. That amount had he lived here in Georgia would have been about 20% of his gross monthly income. That would have been about $2,400.00 a month. Big difference, huh? This amount that Willie Gary pays is nothing for a man of his income level. Women should get what is legally right and fair.
If the mother was taken the children with her on the cruises and trips then I don't think the father would be complaining about the amount the problem it that she is abusing the money and not spenting it on his children. The Real problem is she is house sitting now the kids are in school she need to get off of her tail and work. Or the court should require him to put the 23000.00 into a trust fund for the twin with the kids name and his. Which the mother would not have access to the remaining sum of money and only the 5000.00 month for support.
Umm everytime I read this crap it angers me even further! As someone who socializes and is in the company of Ms. Gowins, I have yet to see any type of bad parenting on her part. What really made me giggle was the part about splurging on diamonds.... hahahaha the oldest daughter owns not one diamond and barely ever asks for anything. Yes, Ms. Gowins used to enjoy herself on an adult cruise, which you need to be 21 to be on, but no one has mentioned the cruises the whole family has been on or the family trips they take every Christmas and Summer. I think that people who don't know the true situation need to keep their damn mouths shut and mind their own damn business. Diana Gowins is a wonderful mother.... enough said. Stop f-in hatin!
This is so funny to see how people comment about things they do not know. To start this off I am a child who was raised in a single-parent home that received child support. Second of all I think that people need to start minding thier business because I'm pretty sure this woman is not a gold digger. She was an olympic hopeful, meaning she was a hell of an athlete with talent. I have seen footage, and this chic can run. I think that they did see each other more than once, I'm pretty sure he visited the kids. I'm also sure that she is a nice person. Its not like she showed up with a sign on that says "Sleep With Me" Obviously this woman is a great mother trying to get what is best for her children. This man raised his other eleven children on over a Million a year salary, why can't he give them something to live off of? We just need to focus on ourselves, because I'm sure you wouldn't want people in your business taking sides without all the proof. P.S.-The article is written in bias over Ms.Gowins. Thats what we journalist do, try to find the easiest possible way to get a good story. This author could have left out some valuable information and you wouldn't know it. We have a country that needs help, lets put our efforts into that instead of their business.
@ Anon SundayJuly 5, 2009 9:05:00 PM EDT
You read wrong. Willie Gary was 1 of 11 kids, he doesnt have 11 kids. He has 4 adult sons, plus hiw twins, so he has 6 kids.
I think Gowins needs to be held responsible. She needs to account for the $. If she wants to renovate the house, fine. But the cruises WITHOUT the twins, the tumy tucks, the jewels, the private school for her older daughter I think isn't fair.
This is very simple and the attorneys should know this. Gary, a very rich man he, should pay the original amount of child support, but the money, or at least the lion's share of it, should be put in a trust for the kids that's administered by a competent third party trustee so their education and wellbeing is secured and their crazy shopaholic mom can't get at it. Too many of my brothas get off the hook for doin the dirty deed, but not having to pay up for it. If Gary has enough money to brag about gold sinks and $1.5M sound systems for his jet, he can pay $28K a month for the kids he fathered. I mean damn man, you rode that ho/skeezer bareback? Gary's lucky that his dick hasn't fallen off. If he took that risk, he should own up to it and pay some righteous coin for the only innocents here, the twins. Even Schwartzenegger paid up for his hoishness. After all, isn't that the Christian thing to do for such a "faithful" man as Gary. Because after all, money is not the root of all evil--it's the "love" of money that's the root of all evil. And both Gary and The Evil Ho clearly love money.
I know Mr. Gary and the family personally. He is a a great man and does a lot for the community. It's very unfortunate to say but, she is a jump off. She knew all along he is a married man. He was wrong for his involvement with her but she should have kept those legs closed. I don't feel sorry for her, not one bit. She shouldn't receive no more than $2500 a month total for support. He spends time with the lora and also has health insurance for them. His kids went to public school, all 4 boys we all attended public school together. She was an Olympic hopeful but just wasn't good enough.
Women like this really do make it hard for good women who want love, if nothing else. As a grown woman, when I meet a man one of the first questions asked is, "are you single" assuming he tells the truth in saying "no" we can move on. My POINT: he was and still is married. How could you? babies don't keep men and apparently they don't pay either. I know the Garys personally and Mrs. Gary is the sweetest of hearts, and SHE has his heart. I could never steep so low as to demean myself and hurt others in the process. I feel sorry for those kids. and as for Diana, bitch, get a job!
People have not changed much, since the beginning of time. A Woman is still being blamed, when a man and a woman are having consensual sex. Adam did not have to take a bite from the apple that Eve offered him. Gary did not have to have intercourse with any other woman than his wife. It was his choice, as well as it was hers. Why is this woman called names? No one has called him by any disrespectful names. When people's sexual desires lead to consequences such as new lives being created, these lives have priority. Part of that equation is the person that raises these children. I western society, women and children are still abandoned. A swipe with a credit card can and never will make up for it. Gary went back to his wife afterwards, and assumed his life the way it was. Her life has changed forever. Why are children being used as pawns? Is Gary setting a good example, by swiping his responsibility on his credit card? By not taking a more active role in his daughters life, he has taught them that they don't deserve to be loved by their father. When they are old enough, they will in return go and look for sexual relationships with men, looking for love in all the wrong places. Nice job, this is how the next generation of women is being raised and valued. I am sure, Gary would be nothing without his wife.
Don't play with women, give them respect, support them and appreciate the love and nurturing that women have been given since the beginning of time.
NO who ever the person was that said she livd her life as her mother did, was a person that relly Knew Diana, and yes she and hr sister was conceived from a man that was married with a familyas well. No women should not be at fault but at last have more respect for yourself because men are labled as DOGs, should not have been his bytch. hum, And her older daughter is from a poor hustler so what can he really give hr othr than the little childsupport that he can pay. Diana "Close your legs to Married men" SN:INNeneLeaksvoice
I received child support & put practically every dime on my child, & my parents had money! My x-husband told me to use some of the money on me! Bottom line, no matter what Diana decides to do w/ the $$$, she, nor her children can take it w/them! What idiot would think it OK to doll up her 2 kids & leave her oldest child out? Why should she have to work if she wants to stay home with her kids? Don't hate on her b-cuz your life sucked! & I'm not a Diana fan, but I will stand up for mothers who are trying to take care of their families!
Well, when you have a net worth like Willie's, $ 14, 000.00 a month is nothing. That is more of a punishment payment for being so intelligently stupid. I agree, the money should have come with a money manager. If she gets the $ 28, 000.00 a month, it should be accompanied with a money manager and spending limits. I don't disagree with the amount, just how it is being spent. If I can afford two lear jets and equip one with a $ 1.2 million dollar sound system, my kid legitimate or illegitimate are not gonna want for anything, and they are not gonna live in any old house. I've got the best, and so will my kids, period. Just sayin
Any person in a relationship shouldn't cheat but this situation is really bad but mistake or not both parties are wrong if he was just using her for sex and there was no love between them then they both should have taken preventive measures to not create a lifelong attachment that's what having kids with someone does so i don't know neither of them personally but i feel they both should love those kids equally and take care of them equally regardless of how rich the father is she needs to be nicer and more appreciating of what he is doing and maybe he'll come around more and voluntarily give her more money just a thought confrontations and arguments don't solve problems
I don't have sympathy for him. He cheated on his wife, his ass should pay
I know Diana and her family personally. Mr Gary doesn't do shit for those twins anymore!!! They are constantly struggling while he's living the time of his life! The twins go to a private school but due to Mr Garys lack of payment one twin had to leave the school!!! everyone thinks Mr Gary is this great man! but he's never paying his child support and when he does its not the right amount and its late! You would think Mr Gary would actually care about his caldrons needs and his education but he doesn't! He rarely see's the twins about 3 times a year at the most! Its unexceptable because the twins are suffering terribly and they shouldn't have too.
I have no sympathy for her. There are PLENTY OF WOMEN who work and support their children. She was a whore! No matter how much you sugar coat it with how great of a mom she is SO WHAT! If he is missing payments are you gonna let your house go into foreclosure to prove a point? Get a job! What is she gonna do when the twins are 18 and older? She will no longer get any money. She needs to plan for her future and stop acting entitled. If he is such a great lawyer he should've made it so the money went into a trust not her hands. The mo eu is not for her it is for the children. I'm sick of women fucking for a pay day! Stop minimizing yourself and your dignity. Stand on your own and be a mother to those children and show your daughter a better example.
I think men should get smarter and stope cheating or just get custody of the kids then these gold digging whores will close their legs!
The latest on Willie Gary is that he has been taken to court by past clients for legal malpractice and worse, as exposed on the website TheClientKiller.org -http://www.theclientkiller.org. Especially note the extended critique found on the "Exposing Willie Gary" page of the website. http://www.theclientkiller.org/gary_exposing.php
On March 13, 2015, a complaint, Rowe Entertainment et al vs Willie E. Gary et al, was filed in the U.S. District Court For The Northern District of Georgia. Mr. Gary, The Gary Law Firm and five present and former partners including former Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell, are charged with federal and state racketeering, fraud, legal malpractice and unjust enrichment. http://www.prlog.org/12435608-federal-lawsuit-charges-six-prominent-attorneys-with-racketeering-fraud-legal-malpractice.html
WBS-TV out of Atlanta, Georgia did a video news segment about this matter. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/concert-promoter-sues-former-atlanta-mayor-bill-ca/nkZHJ/
The Stuart News_ reported on March 19, 2015, that Leonard Rowe, lead plaintiff and former concert promoter, wrote the Florida Bar complaining that "Gary has a pattern and practice of defrauding his own clients out of their settlements to enrich himself." http://www.tcpalm.com/news/local-news/martin-county/concert-promoter-files-federal-lawsuit-against-stuartbased-attorney-willie-gary_58443812
Other former clients of Mr. Gary and his law firm have made similar allegations of criminal misconduct which are documented on the website TheClientKiller.org -- http://www.TheClientKiller.org, especially on the page Exposing Willie Gary at http://www.theclientkiller.org/gary_exposing.php
I went to Shaw with Willlie.. He's a good person and his wife is an amazing person. You may have his children but his wife is still with him. That should tell you something. Everybody makes mistakes, leave him and his wife alone. You saw dollars signs. It's not about your children, it's about you maintaining a statue quo. You are the reason a lot of children a suffering today. You are about the money .Stop making other kids suffer. He's taking care of yours Leave him and his wife alone. Stop trying to destroy a good black man.
He knew better, but his penis didn't.
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