Shit that Celebs Say

This past week, I think I have been rolling my eyes and letting out sighs because of dumb shit that celeberties are saying...

"I can't point the finger at the white media. They don't care about us. So when you hear crap about us, it is coming from our own community, which hurts."-- Gabrielle Union told Essence.
Well dear Gabby... stop putting out bullshit like that Christmas movie and you won't hear crap. It is time for black consumers to stop accepting the bullshit movies that are coming out. And you wonder why you aren't at the Oscars.

"The number one thing you can give people is consciousness, to remind them they are already rich." -- Russell Simmons
Don't you hate when a multi millionaire tells you that you are already rich. Shut that shit up Russy.

"I am loving me some me. This is the happiest I've ever been. I made it through the fire." -- Chaka Khan
Well hopefully next time you sing the song you will remember the damn lyrics.

"Unlike other rappers, we've had physical altercations with this guy. We whipped his a** and he sued us. So, it's deeper than just's a real beef." -- Irv Gotti on his and Ja Rule's beef with 50 Cent
I wish rappers would just rap. I mean please trying to be hood and gangsta with several million in the bank is really played and tired... look at T.I.

"I'm the hottest bitch out. I'm real cocky these days, huh? I'm loving it." -- Lil' Kim.
The hottest mess... she is 3 surgeries and a couple bleach treatments from being Mike's twin.

"A flat stomach is nice. Let me get my first 'View' paycheck." -- Sherri Shepherd on liposuction.
Everytime she opens her mouth I cringe

Boys in Bandanas

Can someone please explain to me this whole boys in bandanas thing?

Stand By Your Man

ok at first I wasn't going to say anything because I hate speculating about people's sexuality or relationships or lifes but... nevermind I ain't gonna say anything.

Because I am Tired of Being Asked about Xmas...

Repost from Friday, December 09, 2005
Don't Confuse my Lack of Xmas Shopping for Lack of Xmas Spirit

"Are you done with your Christmas shopping?"
"Well seeing I don't do Christmas shopping I guess so."
"Oh why aren't you into Christmas?"

When did going into debt, spending outrageous amounts of money on gifts, waking up at 3am the day after Thanksgiving to go stand outside in some long ass line at WalMart to get that off brand DVD player for $40 become synonymous with Christmas.

While I don't think I will ever raise my child into believing in the entire Santa Claus theme... I believe the aspect of the holiday is only for kids that do not know any better. For me Christmas and the Holiday season is a time to reflect on the gifts that God has given us, and like the Three Wise Men we should bring gifts to him. For me over the past few years these gifts have been volunteering through my church, Metropolitan Baptist Church, raising money at work to purchase gifts for a needy family with young kids, and cleaning out my closets (yes closets its quite sad at times) to donate clothes and shoes to the homeless. I will never forget last Christmas I went to the DC Central Kitchen, a homeless shelter that teaches and educates the homeless in culinary arts and management, to deliver a turkey after hearing on the news that they were short of what they needed to feed all their people. What started off as me dropping off a turkey led to me volunteering 3 additional hours, and became the most rewarding experience of the season.

So while you are out finding a parking space at the nearest mall or typing in your credit card number into the box... don't forget to give a gift in honor of the birthday boy.

Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds

Just one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds. That is all I ask.

Let me first say that I recognize and enjoy the talent of Beyonce Knowles. She is my homegirl you know, we are both from Houston, albeit vastly different sides of the city but we both still represent. Ole Bey is accomplishing things many twice her age would kill for. But I still need just one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds. That is all I ask.

I mean just check out her list of awards on wikipedia... it goes on and on and on. She is hooked up with Jay, a poetic legend and mogul. And how many people do you know can ride one fucking album for three years. But you know what please, jJust one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds. That is all I ask.

I would like just one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds without hearing one of her songs; seeing one of her commercials; thumbing through one magazine without seeing a story, ad, or review; or even hearing someone mention her name.

Seeing that she went strong and basically crushed her sister's 2nd solo release, when most thought she would take a step back... I have totally given up on the notion that she may take a vacation for a month or two and will settle for just one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds.

House of Deréon, Pepsi, L'Oreal, Samsung, American Express, Empirio Armani, DirecTV, Ford, Milk, McDonald's. The girl is raking in the dollars (can I just get a few thousand to pay off these student loans). But just one day. Just 24 hours. Just 1440 minutes. Just 86,440 seconds.

Maybe I have to just stay in my house alone, not watch TV, turn off my radio alarm clock, dare not to open my Black Enterprise or Essence, not even go near my DVDs and not talk to most homos or my girls. And if you think I am playing start counting now and count for one entire day how many times Beyonce filtrates your life.

Not MyFault Suicide

Often in response to different stories in the news, me and my friends begin to discuss What is Wrong with America?? Well the discussions this past few days have covered many topics from Redskin's Shawn Taylor's death to the recent MySpace death in Kansas. The latter story has been annoying me the most.

For those who have been living under a rock the story goes like this:

The hoax centered on a MySpace profile that appeared to belong to a boy named Josh Evans who contacted the girl, Megan Meier, in September 2006 when she was 13. After a month long flirtation, Josh’s e-mail suddenly turned nasty, and he and Megan quarreled online. Megan hanged herself on Oct. 16, 2006, the day after she received a message from Josh saying, “I don’t like the way you treat your friends, and I don’t know if I want to be friends with you.”

Lori Drew, an adult neighbor who lives four houses from the Meier family, said in a police report that she created the Josh Evans character to gain Megan’s trust and learn what Megan thought of Ms. Drew’s daughter, a former friend of Megan’s.

Reaction to the case has been strong, with angry postings on the Internet identifying the family behind the fake profile. The household has reported vandalism, including a brick through a window, once word got out about the circumstances surrounding the death.

Now let me preface this by saying that Lori Drew, needs her ass whipped. But after initially hearing this story my first thoughts weren't will Lori be charged but where the hell were Megan's parents?

I believe we always want to pass of blame for situations on other people but never claim our portion in the mess. Megan was 13, her parents should have been monitoring her internet activity and better yet if their child was that insecure and lacked self esteem, she had no business on MySpace or any other social networking site. But no of course Megan is the victim so her parents can now go on national tv snottin and cryin about their being no justice, since Lori is not being prosecuted. I say Lori should serve some time and so should her parents for child neglect and raising a child with out any self esteem. But that is just me...

Dirty Laundry in NYC & LA

In case for some reason you have been under a rock and hadn't heard... Maurice Jamal's Dirty Laundry hits theaters this Friday in New York and Los Angeles, with other cities opening later in the month.


Mann Beverly Center Cinemas (Inside Beverly Center)
8522 Beverly BoulevardLos Angeles, CA 90038

Clearview Chelsea Theater
West 23rd Street (b/t 7th & 8th)
New York, NY 10011


Living in the Midst of an Epidemic

To coincide with World AIDS Day today, Saturday, December 1, the Fenty Administration released new statistics that show striking findings on the severity of the District’s HIV epidemic.
The major findings of the new statistics are:
  • Between 1997 and 2006, almost 70 percent of all AIDS cases progressed from HIV to AIDS in less than 12 months after the initial HIV diagnosis, primarily due to late testing, compared to 39 percent nationally.

  • Although African-American residents account for 57 percent of the District’s population, they account for 81 percent of new reports of HIV cases. African-American women constitute 58 percent of the District’s female population, but account for 90 percent of all new female HIV cases.

  • Heterosexual contact in the District is the leading mode of HIV transmission at 37 percent of newly reported infections, while nationally men who have sex with men lead new transmissions.

  • The District’s rate for newly reported AIDS cases is higher than rates in Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City, Detroit and Chicago.

  • The majority of newly reported cases were among residents ages 30 to 49.
It simply amazes me that 25 years later this disease is still ravaging us the way it is. I know seeing Magic Johnson walking around looking great and even more wealthy, may have people thinking it isn't a big deal. But why would you want to live with this if you do not have to?

In the past two years I have learned about more friends and aquantences that are HIV positive, than I have ever known before. It baffles me to meet people in their late 20s that do not get tested regularly. It disturbs me that people engage in unsafe sex with randoms. And disgusts me that people who know they have it and don't demand safe sex with others.

In the end we must all take precautions for our own health, but we must also have a sense of community to help reverse these disturbing statistics. So go get tested and take a friend or two.

Times are a Changing...

When I decided to return to Washington, I knew there was only one area that I truly wanted to live in and that was the Southwest quadrant. If you know anything about DC, you know that the city is only 61 sq miles and is divided into 4 quadrants. Southwest is the smallest of the 4, and sits right on the Potomac River. If I walk out of my door and walk 7 or 8 blocks north or east, I would be in another quadrant. One block south I am at the Potomac.

It amazes me that I was gone a little less than 2 years, because the city has developed and gentrified beyond belief.
This was the National's New Stadium right after I left.

Less than 2 years later this is the National's Stadium at 11:25am yesterday. Almost ready for the new baseball season and the Papal visit next spring.

Do any of you remember partying in the early 2000s in that hole in the wall Jenny's? Well... And when the wrecking ball makes it way to the otherside of the mall and destroys this raggedy, shit hole of a Safeway I am going to be out their rejoicing. This Safeway is literally 2 blocks from me but never has shit on its shelves and never has pulp free OJ, which forces me to drive 10 minutes to another store.

Memorable Movie Quotes...

Lately I have been having conversations with friends and certain moving quotes that fit the situation have been popping in my mind so today here are just a few of my most memorable movie quotes that I have quoted in the past two weeks.

"It's a trip, you know? When you're a kid, you-you see the life you want, and it never crosses your mind that it's not gonna turn out that way." - Monica Wright, Love & Basketball (2000)

"Romance is dead, is what they said while sittin around cheating at pool the very last frame of this nine ball game, the cat who had the date on the top of the empire state is the one who got hustled like a fool" - Darius Lovehall, Love Jones (1997)

"Ain't many women allow they husband's ho to lay up in they house." - Old Mr., The Color Purple (1985)

"Boy, you goin' let this ol' nappy-headed girl cuss you out like that? You sittin' at the head of your own dinner table and actin' like a waiter." - Old Mr., The Color Purple (1985)

"You're so resourceful, darling, I ought to go to you for plots. " - Nancy Blake, The Women (1939)

"Yes, trick. As in slut, whore, tramp. You don't know your name?" - Angela, Why Did I Get Married? (2007)

Holidays in Atlanta

So with so much time on my hand and not as much money in my pocket I decided to drive down to Atlanta, instead of flying and renting a car once there. I couldn't find a flight for uner $350 and renting a car would have been at least another $120 for the week. So seeing I spent less than $200 on gas I think I came out ahead.

I spent a lot of time with my mom and extended family, Wednesday and Thursday. While the dinner wasn't all that great, talking to my grandfather's brother and sister and learning more about their parents and childhood was worth the 8.5 hour drive. I am not all that close to my family but it is so funny to sit back and watch how they share so many of the same characteristics and habits.

Thursday night was spent working and schmoozing at the Ryan Cameron Foundation's 16th Celebrity Bowling Challenge. So many of Atlanta's music and entertainment community came out to support and raise money for the foundation, I only wished I would have watched a good week of Rap City before going. The event went from 8pm until 3 in the morning... and as soon as I thought I was going to cut out early to meet my friends at the bar in comes ubersexy, music producer Polow the Don... which prompted me to stay a little longer. The YoungBloodz were there, as well as many others including Young Joc or Young Dro or some youngin. I really miss my RCF fam, we always have a good time when we are actually working the event.

On my way back to my cousin's house, I stopped by to visit with my boy, Mr. Valentino of ATL. Definitely good seeing him, even if I was forced to watch the Beyonce Experience (just joking). He is definitely one of the few friends I miss in Atlanta.

Friday, I totally avoided any store, mall, or shopping experience. Watching the madness on TV and experiencing it last year was more than enough for me. Besides the only thing I need is a new TV for my living room and I can't afford the 42" LCD right now so that will have to wait. Friday night my crew reunited for food, drinks and a lot of partying at the Palace. Aaaah fun times for sure... can't wait until the rest of the fam from Jersey and Baghdad reunite MLK weekend.

Saturday I hit it back up 85/95 north to avoid the traffic and get home to my own bed. I love visiting and traveling but there is nothing like going home... all in all good times.

Thanks for Faith...

Today, I am heading down 95 to 85 to spend Thankgsiving in Atlanta with my mom and other family members. I hope everyone has a great holiday... I will be back in the District on Saturday night.

One tradition we have is to tell everyone what we are most thankful for. And this year, I am most thankful for my faith. It has been a rough 2 years, but I am thankful for the lessons learned and the belief that this is making me stronger and preparing me for something bigger. What are you most thankful for this holiday?

My Favorite Things...

Well today is my girl Oprah's Favorite Thing show. So like the past two years I have decided to post some of my favorite things aka my Xmas wish list...

  • I hate cooking. Well maybe hate is a harsh word, I dislike cooking. But when I do cook I like to use gadgets and my favorite new gadget is the Cuisinart' Griddler. While I do not own this I have used it and I love it... a grill, griddle and panini press all in one!!

  • I talked about my absolute favorite Bond No. 9 the Hamptons last year but my next favorites are Prada, I love the clean scent. And Bond No. 9 Saks Fith Avenue. I am always accepting new bottles.

  • My favorite new show on TV is Big Shots which comes on ABC, I think, anyway I love Nia Long and Dylan McDermott but the rest of the cast does a good job as well.

  • A pair of nice shades always compliments the right outfit. Especially a pair of D&G Aviators. (less the rhinestones... nothing worse than seeing some dude with rhinestones on his sunglasses)

  • My jean selection for this year are the Antik Denim Western Bootcut Jeans. Maybe the Kevin at Saks knows how to compliment me to make the sale over the years but when he says, "damn", when I walk out the dressing room I know the jeans are a sale. Na seriously he tells me when I look a mess in shit too LOL

  • Seeing that I am back in DC, I will have to pull out my winter coats for more than a few weeks. With that said I have always wanted but for some reason never bought a stylish pea coat. So this one by Michael Kors would definitely be on my list. I love pea and military cut coats.

  • Since 2002, Warren Brown has been tantalizing the sweet tooth of DC at Cake Love and on of his cakes that I always buy for Christmas parties is the Strawberry and Creme cake... Juris Doctorate and Masters in Public Health aside, this brother knows how to bake. I hear he even has a show on the Food Network now. A lot of hard work and a mention on Oprah goes a long way.

  • Usually when I go to NYC, I like staying near Madison or the Park but after my last trip to NY I think one of my new favorite hotels is the Ritz Carlton, Battery Park. Our room had a view of the Statue of Liberty from the tub and the bedroom... and the service was phenomenal.

  • And of course Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. Not that I need a day to give thanks but the fact that this is a day to spend with family and friends giving thanks together.

Random Thoughs for this Monday Morning...

I had a whole other post for today, but sitting here watching the AMAs got my mind running with a few Random Thoughts...

  • I am so tired of DJs and Artists playing and sampling the same damn 3 reggae songs. PLEASE know there are so many more and even hotter songs out there.
  • I love Beyonce like the next but damn what could possibly be next? I mean we all know the girl is quite talented but what else is there for her to accomplish, if she is getting these lifetime achievement type awards so soon in her career. I guess this means MTV will bring back their Icon award soon for her too?
  • I find it offensive when people go on music award shows and lip sync. The key word there is music not dance... do better Chris Brown!!
  • Queen Latifah... rapper vs songstress? Now that could be an interesting 2 disc album.
  • Will music award shows ever become extinct like beauty pageants?

  • Columbus Short, Laz Alonzo, Idris Elba, and Keith Robinson.... I am already in the Christmas spirit.

  • Since 10 people have died from this new cold strain going around... there will be no more shaking hands and very little hugging going on for awhile.

  • I think I mentioned that I joined a newly formed book club here in DC last month... well the October book was My Man, My Boys by Dwayne Vernon and I couldn't get pass the second chapter... has anyone read this? Was it just me?

  • Why won't Valentino let me take him to the grocery store???

  • Seeing MJB on the cover of the Advocate, will make me buy that magazine for the first time in years.

  • While I was looking forward to my return to ATL this week... I am thinking 2 days with my family may be enough and I may need to come back to the solitude of the Waterfront on Saturday.

  • This $1000 ticket to St. Kitts is going to make me have to change my Holiday plans.

  • Oh and last but definitely not least... The Ritz Carlton Battery Park, you gave me everything I needed for that spur of the moment Saturday jaunt to a party in Harlem. Life of a socialite is hard work!! EZPass, gas money, 3 hours and 15 minutes and a place to crash what more do u need, I could be in NY all the time.

Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again

Alicia is killing these hos with this album...

And Common... ooo

I just know Alicia and Kerry need to back up.

Shit Your Mother Should Have Taught You #2

It is so funny that just the other day I was reading and commented on him being on a date and the person having three conversations on the phone during that date.

Well I was recently asked out for a long lunch by this guy I met at Halo. Me never turning down a free meal, especially with an attractive man with a personality and a career. He asked me to meet him at Acadiana, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite spots in DC. As soon as I ordered the smoked chicken and andouille sausage gumbo and he ordered his apetizer, his cell went off. He didn't end the purely casual conversation call until the server was removing my bowl.

We had a boring conversation while I waited for my blackened talapia to arrive mostly about his job, his BMW and his condo in the city (yawn). During the moment of silence which was me enjoying my talapia (lord knows they can blacken' one ole piece of fish).. his cell went off again, he apologized and said this is the only time of day he can talk to his friends since he is busy at work and said he wouldn't be long. Five minutes later as he continued to talk and I continued to be more annoyed. So usually I wouldn't order dessert at lunch ( you know trying to watch the waistline) but I quickly ordered the brown sugar rum creme brulee (thank you lord!!) and whispered to the waiter to make it quick I needed to make an exit. He hung up the phone to finally ask me something about myself... to think it only took till dessert. And in the midst of me talking about growing up in Houston he began texting. As he texted I stopped talking and luckily my creme brulee was delivered for me to enjoy. While I was planning to just quietly leave after the dessert, he proceeded to ask me was I enjoying myself.

I told him with roots from New Orleans and the Caribbean I love the food at Acadiana but the conversation was one sided and rather dull. I told him it is one thing to mention your accomplishments but to brag about them makes him very common. I told him the continuous phone calls and texts were quite rude but thanked him for lunch and told him to enjoy the rest of his work day.

So in case your mother never told you before, when you are out with a friend, a family member, or a date, put the phone on vibrate. I mean the meal is only an hour and half maybe two... you aren't the Secretary of Defense, so whatever it is can wait and if it can't maybe it isn't a good day for you to be out to lunch.

When Ministers Make Too Much...

Growing up the grandchild of a minster, I always saw the issues that came along with being a minister and money. My grandfather rarely bought brand new luxury cars, never wore designer suits, and never bought a lavish estate... instead he chose to accept a modest stipend from the church and hold a full time job. As did my grandmother. I will never forget when my grandmother got her new Honda Accord, the Amen corner had comments about church spending.

It wasn't until I got older and went into the world that I saw ministers with extravagant estates and new model extreme luxury cars. I always wondered how they justified these lifestyles. I personally think ministers should get a full salary and depending on the needs of their ministry a car as well. But when people within your flock are struggling to keep their lights on there has to be some form of consideration.

Well it seems as if Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) has the same questions. He recently sent letters requesting detailed financial documents to metro Atlanta preachers, Eddie Long and Creflo Dollar, and four other ministries nationwide whose leaders are known for opulent, or as the ministers would say, blessed, lifestyles. In 2005 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran a story that looked into Eddie Long's founding of a charity that paid the minister more than $3 million over a 3-year period, bought him a $1.4 million house and paid for the use of a $350,000 Bentley car. Long plans to fully comply with the Senate's request, and has stated his church has "several safeguards'' to ensure transactions comply with laws governing churches.

Grassley's letter to Creflo and Taffi Dollar of World Changers Church International and Creflo Dollar Ministries of College Park, Ga. asks for records on private planes, board makeup, compensation and donations and "love offerings'' to visiting ministers. In a statement, Dollar called his ministry an "open book'' and said he would cooperate. He also questioned whether the investigation could ``affect the privacy of every community church in America.''

It will definitely be interesting to see where this goes. Will churches begin questioning the lifestyles of their ministers and decisions of their elders and trustees?

This Weekend...

What a weekend it was. My ace from California is in town for work and two conferences, since he left DC to go to Grad School I have really come to appreciate our friendship that we have shared for the past decade. While he has been here since Tuesday, Friday was the first night we decided to go out. Pitchfork or Halo?

We took our pitchforks to Halo. Halo is a bar in the Dupont/Logan Circle area which tends to cater to the Caucasian gay scene. And Halo totally epitomizes the separation of the races. On any Friday night when you walk into the bar, the first floor is filled with African-Americans and if you even decide to ascend the steps you see the second floor is filled with Caucasians... with just a few on each floor attempting to desegregate the bar. I typically do not drink Rail/Well drinks... however I was persuaded just to have one... that led to two. I then had a Cadillac Margarita (Patron and Grand Marnier... what a combo). And that my friend is the last thing I remember. There are a few sporadic memories of the evening but it wouldn't be until Saturday and Sunday that I would learn of my antics that evening. While an irresponsible person would blame it on the alcohol... I own up to everything I said to everyone, but ask them to just look at it as my opinion. I am sorry that someone took offense to me saying they had gained a lot of weight over the past year. But in all honesty they did... so own it or loose it. Hell its just my opinion and if it affects you that deeply... you have too high of a regard for me. But I must say I do not like being unaware of my actions... and I never intend to drink to that level or plan to do so in the future.

So the weekend continued Saturday with a lunch date with a rather interesting person that definitely keeps me on my toes. And ended with a house party at the house of an.... thinking of the right term to describe our history.... friend. The small and intimate party led me to have some interesting conversations with people that I have known for awhile. As well as getting eye daggers from their boyfriends and dates from across the room. Insecure homos drain me

Sunday became a lot more than what I expected. Me and my ace went to the 8am service at our church, Metropolitan and then to an early brunch at Creme. Two friends joined us and that began a very long but enjoyable day together. From brunch we went to the new Bloomingdale's and Barneys... then to my favorite latin restaurant Lauriol Plaza for margaritas and more food. One friend kept insisting that it was 2pm and we weren't cocktailed yet... of course none of us objected. But to me the highlight of the day was hanging out with two people I have known for awhile but never really spent a lot of time with and the conversations of life, love, and sex. At 830 when I finally laid across my couch exhausted and amazed that I had been out and about over 12 hours. But I laid there with a smile because I really had a great weekend.

Human Tetris II

Why do I keep tempting myself with something that I know will never work out?

I know that I always complain about dating, but I have actually been enjoying it since being back in DC. If nothing more I have developed some new friendships with some very interesting people. I decided that when I came back I would take my time and only pursue interests that I thought had the possibility of sustaining. I was even upfront from the very beginning with each person letting them know where I am in my life, where I want to be, and that while get between the two I am openly dating to find someone to enjoy the journey.

So there are three people and each person has something about them that typically would never let me commit solely to them. Without going into the private details of our affairs, after taking time to think, I have realized that the issue actually may be me instead. (I know right imagine that)

This Sunday I was watching something on TV, and on this show the stereotype of gays being consumed by sex, made me realize that this may be true. Of the three... two of my issues are sexual in nature. I keep thinking I am better than this and that sex doesn't and shouldn't define me and my relationships with other people but the human side of me keeps taunting me with... Why do I keep tempting myself with something that I know will never work out?

I try not to assume or speculate about anyone's sexuality... but Star, haven't we already seen how this storyline plays out...

Speaking of the Oblivious and Desperate, everytime I see this photo on the web I just crack up laughing...


The Georgia Supreme Court has upheld a ruling that Genarlow Wilson's 10-year prison sentence for having consensual oral sex with a fellow teenager is cruel and unusual, and has ordered him released from prison.
The state's highest court reached the decision today after a split 4-to-3 vote. Wilson was convicted of aggravated child molestation following a 2003 New Year's Eve party at a Douglas County motel room where he was videotaped having oral sex with a 15-year-old girl. Wilson was 17 at the time. He was also charged with raping another 17-year-old girl at the party but a jury acquitted him.

Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears wrote in the majority opinion saying the changes in the law "represent a seismic shift in the legislature's view of the gravity of oral sex between two willing teenage participants.'' Sears says the severe punishment makes "no measurable contribution to acceptable goals of punishment'' and that Wilson's crime did not rise to the ``level of adults who prey on children.''
“We thank You for his parents, who would not surrender in the face of tyranny,” Jesse Jackson said. “Now its morning time, and we feel a sense of joy that it’s morning time. We’ve endured the crucifixion, and now we see the stone is rolling away.”
Genarlow walked out of the prison a little after 5pm today to his awaiting mother and $9000 in scholarship money from Georgia Lawmakers and the Rainbow/PUSH organization.

Dear Media and Government -

Stop insulting my family and the millions of other people from New Orleans by comparing the fires of San Diego to the floods of New Orleans. And they say it wasn't a race issue.

Shit Your Mother Should Have Taught You #1

For the second time in less than a week, I have received a phone call at an improper hour. At 3:53am, Saturday morning, a person that I have hung out with a total of three times thought it was ok to call my house. When I saw him out Sunday, I confronted him, for him to tell me oh I was out and thought you were out as well.

This morning at 7:29am, I received yet another phone call from yet another person I have been hanging out with. Later this afternoon he explained, "Oh I am up at 5am everyday, I thought you would be up by then."

I remember years ago when I was in undergrad my mother called me at 7 something in the morning. I proceeded to answer the phone not with an hello but with, "Who is dead?" Since then my mother has never called me before 9am during the week and on the weekend waits for me to call her first. However for the record my mother is the only person that is alive today that has permission to call me at such an hour.

I remember growing up my mother would not allow me to call someone else's house after 10pm CST. She said it was disrespectful and there was nothing you needed to talk about at that hour. Regardless of what is going on in your life... there is no reason for anyone to call me or anyone else at 4 or 7am. If you thought you were getting some sex... if you weren't there before 4 it isn't going to happen. You wanted to hear my voice first thing in the morning... you should have been there last night. Like I told the both of them I found it very disrespectful that they even thought it was ok to call my house at such an hour and would expect for them to never do it again.

So just for general reference:

  • If you are dying call 911... then hit me at 10am. I am not a doctor what the fuck can I do for you.
  • If you are stranded call a taxi... I'd rather give you $20 than get out of my bed at such an hour.
  • Someone I know died... yet again hit me at 10am, the will still be dead at 10am.

Random Thoughts for this Thursday Morning...

  • As much as I enjoy listening and looking at Clifford... I really could careless if he goes to jail or not. I am so over these wanna be mogul hood rats... that have garnered opportunity and wealth that many of us dream about only to get arrested for some dumb "keepin' it real" nonsense.

  • When I was reading the story about Jermaine Jackson not having any money or employment to pay his wife child support, I thought it was a tad bit funny. But when they gave the back story that their 2 kids together are now siblings to their cousins. Mrs. Alejandra Jackson also has two teenage children from a previous relationship with Jermaine’s youngest brother Randy and has been living with Jackson’s mother Katherine for quite sometime. Now that is truly "keepin' it in the family".

  • I wonder now that ABC is allowing Don "nappy headed hoes" Imus back on radio... will Dr. Preston Burke, played by Isaiah "hey fag" Washington, return and reunite with Christina.

  • Why is it that certain people pay you no attention till your attention has moved on to someone else... someone they know... someone I find more interesting. Yet we are always looking for something real, but never give reality ourselves.

  • To think at this stage in my life I thought I had friends and friendships figured out but everytime I turn around... some new revelation is made. But when a friend comes in town and doesn't even tell you... and then when you do call them because you found out from some random that they are here and they still make no effort to get up... it definitely wakes you and makes you realize you aren't as close as you once were.

  • I need a lesson in office politics. I don't play that game well either. Why can't we just come, do our work, and go home.

  • It amazes me that we as a people complain about the lack of black faces on TV but yet we continue to accept the nonsense of Flava of Love or I Love New York. I would rather see nothing than that corny, train wreck nonsense. We must not only demand more, but demand quality. In a time of Jena 6 an Genarlow... this is doing nothing to advance our race.

  • I think that if one more person holds up traffic or hijacks a bus, because they want to kill themselves inconveniencing the rest of DC... they should let sniper John Mohammed take them out. It doesn't take 3 hours for you to want to kill yourself, if you are going to do it... JUST DO IT, so the rest of us can go on with our lives.

  • So I wonder how long will it take for them to find a cure for the MRSA strain of staph infections, seeing that it killed 6000 more people than AIDS did in 2005. umm hmm no cure but we can give you a few drugs to let you live for 30 years.

Dayne is Back

Dayne Avery, bestselling author of I Wrote This Song, introduces his second novel, Details —a story of lust, love, lies, and religion. Travel to the backwoods of Georgia in this captivating tale as Details offers a peek into church dynamics seldom spoken.

About Details: From humble 18th century beginnings to the mega churches of today, the Black Church remains a pillar in the African-American community. This fact holds true in the small southern town of Hephzibah, Georgia. There the church is the only way. Members of Stevenson United Methodist Church cling to old school Christian values, holding the Old Testament in their right hand and New Testament in their left. They hold beloved pastor, Reverend Toussaint, even closer, placing him on a God-like throne. But when a sudden turn of events sweeps through Hephzibah and sends its unsuspecting worshippers running to the rock of their salvation, they realize that no one is exempt from the errors of humanity—not even their beloved pastor.

Details is on sale now... and for more info on Dayne's first novel, I Wrote this Song, click here.

Why the Hell Did They Get Married?

In what I thought was one of the most competitive weekends at the box office in a long time, "Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married?" outsold several new and existing films beating out The Rock, Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Wahlberg, and Cate Blanchett with a strong $21.5 million in revenue. But are we really surprised?

Tyler's films and stage plays are giving black movie goers what they want, something relatable with people they want to see. However according to Lionsgate President Tom Ortenberg, the film's distributer, "Box-office analysts, most of whom predicted Perry's new film would open in the $10 million to $15 million range, relied on consumer tracking surveys that continually underestimate the filmmaker because his audience comprises nontraditional moviegoers." While I agree mostly with what Ortenberg has to say... 'nontraditional'... really?

When me and the Dark Knight arrived at the movie theater at 1:00pm for the 1:15pm howing, I was only a little surprised that we were sitting 4 rows from the screen. Luckily I prepurchased our tickets. As we settled in and began to watch the film, I looked through some of the bad acting to see characters that I recognized. Although Janet was often billed as the front runner... the story was about Jill Scott's character, and Jill stole the show. Tasha Smith's an emasculating bigmouth character provided the needed comic relief and I think brought attention to the little alcoholic in ourselves. But my favorite and most believable character in the movie was Richard T. Jones. Jones plays the demoralizing husband of meek, overweight Jill Scott, but while he plays his role quite well, you see faults in the script because there is no way you could be close friends with a man like this.

Regardless of the millions and millions of dollars Tyler makes on his films, he is still a far cry from the cinematic masterpieces such as the Color Purple, What's Love Got to Do With It and Love Jones. This film gives you two hours of enjoyment. Hopefully we can get Tyler to do a film on voting next November.

A Note from Maurice Jamal...

My friends,

I know the rumors have started circulating and I wanted to reach out to all of you personally to share the great news! Dirty Laundry is indeed coming out this December. Nationally we'll be out December 28 but the great news is that Codeblack Entertainment and FOX are so excited by the film that it's being released EARLY in select cities on December 7, 2007! Atlanta, Washington, DC, Baltimore and New York!

As you all know, this film was a huge labor of love. As an artist, I have always wanted to tell stories that reflect a human experience. Dirty Laundry is such a film. Funny, touching and raw....the film strikes a cord because of it's honest portrayal of a family in transition. I know some of you saw the film in sneak previews and others who haven't have been begging me to show them the film early! LOL. But each and every one of you have wanted to know how you can support. And we need you now! Our opening weekend on December 7 is VERY important. We need to sell out every showing on every screen. And I don't mean, we want to...we NEED to. Dirty Laundry is rare because it's a true independent film that tells a story which breaks new ground. And all eyes our on our community. Collectively we need to show that Dirty Laundry is important because it reflects our lives. If this film does well, it blows open the door for other artists and filmmakers to tell diverse stories about our people.
I have a love affair with film, so it's important to me that this crazy, wonderful, insane industry find the space for us to exist. And if they don't, we'll just make the space (smile). Dirty Laundry is about hope and redemption and I'm inviting you all to help tell this story.

Thank you for your love and support!
Maurice J.

The Irony of Eso Wan

I found it very ironic that the same day I picked up my latest reading assignment for this new book club I am joining was the same day the LA Times carried a story by John Mitchell detailing the closing of Eso Wan.

Before reading the first few chapters of Stanley Bennett Clay's Looker, I had never heard of Eso Wan. And Leimert Park was just a place Maya on Girlfriends casually mentioned from time to time. Mitchell's article details that after 20 years of bookselling and selling 1800 copies of Bill Clinton's My Life in one day, the iconic bookstore is loosing the battle to the Barnes & Nobles and Borders of the world.

That is where the irony comes in... I had just finished chapter 14 of Looker and the characters were gathering for a reading at Eso Wan, when I came across the article online. Sitting right next to my Gateway laptop was a Barnes & Noble receipt for $13.65. I then immediately thought of all of the independent and small book stores like Karibu that I could have supported. I mean I do go there when I need that one black book that I just can't find anywhere else but maybe I should consider them first and Borders second.

But despite successful appearances by Obama, Angela Bassett (seen below... dont you just love her), Clinton, Superhead, and others, co-owners Thomas Hamilton and John Fugate said that sales had become progressively worse and the bookstore has barely managed to stay afloat.

So is it that we aren't supporting the indies... or is it that we aren't reading? Anyway for the article click here....

Vote or Die: Select a Candidate Quiz

OK... so this quiz was passed on to me and I thought it was interesting. Answer the 11 questions on this link to find out which candidates are most aligned with your views and opinions. You may skip questions if you do not want them factored into the results. This quiz is not meant to pick your candidate for you. It is designed to inform the public of the various stances candidates make. Results are not scientific. Based on a tool developed by Minnesota Public Radio.

Who were u aligned with?

Vote or Die: Reason #1 African Americans need to Rock the Vote

Well once again the Republican party has shown as Kanye has said about their leader that they don't care about black people.

First last week they prevented me and the rest of the FEDERAL TAX paying citizens of Washington... the Constitutional right to have representation in Congress. Bitter... no. Mad... no. Just refund me all the Federal tax money I pay every year and we can call it even.

Then after being invited in March by Tavis Smiley and PBS to participate in a debate at Morgan State University in Baltimore... the front runners recently announced that they wouldn't make it because of scheduling conflicts.

But am I surprised by any of this of course not this is the same party that stole the Florida electoral votes in 2000... the same that replaced Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall with Clarence Thomas... the same government that went on vacation and sent a horse back riding idiot to deal with my city drowning... and led by the same man that snubbed his nose at the NAACP year after year but yet tells his party to reach out to the African American vote.

Until we as a people get out and vote in more numbers... they will continue to brush us to the side and ignore us. So regardless of who you vote for be counted and vote.

In Response to the Comments...

That Dude Right There said...
You seem so much happier since you moved back...

That is the second time I have heard this in the comments section. I don't know what you guys were seeing before but other than the boring, not paying enough job, I loved living in Atlanta. Being close to my mother and my friends made it a great place to be. I SENTENCE YOU ALL TO GO BACK and REREAD. lol

Chet said...
Don't allow monies to come between you and your friend...

It isn't the money... its the principle. If I can't trust a friend with money what can I trust them with.

KCK(the shaky homo) monologue...

Never got a text. There really isn't anything to talk about now. If there was something I needed to know you have had about 18 months to tell me. Apparently it wasn't that serious to you.

The emails about DLB's video blog...

You may want to leave those comments on Youtube... Derrick doesn't read my email!! duh

Cocoa Rican said...
Not to say your way doesn't seem reasonable, but telling folks how they should apologize - when some morons don't even find the logic in doing that - is a bit on the over-control side.

The point was for people to realize "I'm sorry" carries no weight with me if they are expecting a response.

She's Back!!

The Real Thing: Words And Sounds Vol. 3 is now in stores... I just got it late last night so I will be posting my thoughts later... but my girl is back

and I am soooo lovin this picture...

work... home... and church on Sundays

Damn 3 weeks already...

For the most I haven't done much other than work... home... and church on Sundays. I have had a few dinners with old friends and 2 have come by the new spot to catch up but my routine has mostly been work... home... and church on Sundays.

That was until this Sunday, my two friends Doc and ThighsofSteal invited me to come out and have a drink or 4 with them. Seeing I hadn't done much other than work... home... and church on Sundays, I was eager to get out and see the new (and sad) nite life in DC. It is a sad state of existence when the best night to go out is Sunday. I mean damn I gotta get up and go to the office in the morning... but anyway I digress. We started our evening at R&R, which happens to be promoted by a friend. R&R really gives me the same vibes as DeJango's (for my ATLiens). It has a house floor and hip hop floor, however there is less separation by age as at DeJango's. It was the first time I had been out in DC since last October so it was good to see a lot of familiar faces and a couple new ones too.

The funniest thing of the first part of our evening was seeing KCK walk by me as if we were strangers. Which is probably for the best... seeing I have no words for him. I tell you never give a homo or anyone for that matter more than you are willing to loose (money, time, whatever... but especially money) and a person's word is only as good as their track record and his was always shaky.

Our evening continued at B Bar. More of the same, pretty much the same faces, but I ran into an acquaintance that moved up here from Atlanta a month before I did. So now I have another person to hang out with.

The evening ended close to 2am... and Monday started just a few hours later... Wore out from the club, the drinks and the after church jog along the Potomac, I will really be looking forward to work... home... and church this Sunday.

Random Thoughts this Friday Morning

1. Wasn't it a beautiful thing to see all the people wearing black yesterday in support of the Jena 6...

2. So we wore black on Thursday... now what?

3. I know I am going to get a couple hate emails for this one but who in ghetto hell names their child, Spontaneious?!?!?! After seeing some uncute chick on Top Model with that name, I changed my mind and decided that I am for steralization. Some people just shouldn't have kids.

4. Why is it that YOU decided to have kids... YOU decided to go part time and take the demotion... but I have to deal with your jealous attitude. Like I told the rude lil homeless girl by the metro... "Don't be mad at me for your life decisions."

5. Maybe instead of fighting for seat in Congress, DC should just ask for Federal Tax exemption... doesn't the Constitution say something like "No Taxation without Representation".

6. Am I the only one that is happy fall TV season is beginning?

7. So now that Kanye outsold 50... can I only hope he really does go away forever?!?!

8. Do people know how offensive it is to ask... "Oh you didn't like Atlanta?" I am not some contrive young fag that picks up and moves from city to city on a whim or a moments notice.

9. For the few people that have emailed or IMed me asking me what I think of OJ Simpson... I don't.

10. As I was walking down New Hampshire Avenue today... why did I feel like a stranger in a familiar city... its been less than 2 years.


Over the past weekend I have had 3 people apologize to me for different reasons. Whether it was something they did, something they didn't do that they said they would, or something they did and they said they didn't do... I got three "I'm sorries" this weekend.

It took me quite a while to realize that no one in life owes you anything. No one has to do what they say they are going to do. And people's word changes like I change underwear. Sometimes these are caused by factors in their control or not but yet and still like I always say... It is what it is.

On neither occasion with these three people did I take their actions and condemn them or their character, I just adjusted how I deal with each of them. No hard feelings but it doesn't take me three times to get burned to realize fire is hot. And it doesn't mean that I have casted their friendships to the wayside either... it just means I have learned more about who they are and how I can effectively deal with them. And maybe this was a one time fluke... but time will tell and just like when bad shit happens, when good shit happens I will also take notice and know how to deal with them as well. (i consider myself to be a pretty fair person)

But what prompted me to blog about this was one of the people that apologized got upset that I didn't instantly forget what happened and embrace them as a good friend immediately and go have drinks. One thing people need to realize, especially when dealing with me, your apology is for your conscious and soul and usually means absolutely nothing to me. First I hate the words I'm sorry. Those words convey nothing to me and do not acknowledge my feelings of the situation. So in case your mother didn't do her job and teach you the correct way... here it is... "I recognize what I did or said made you feel ____ and I apologize that my actions made you feel that way." Do not say I am sorry for doing... because you aren't. And if you were you wouldn't have done it in the first place. You are just sorry that your actions pissed me off.

"When I think of the State of Georgia and Genarlow Wilson... when I think of the Jena 6 down in Louisiana... I see that Jim Crow still lives.

Maybe the children today, maybe the teens of today will see that the struggle is not over. The fight is not over."

- Dr. H. Beecher Hicks, Jr, Senior Pastor of Metropolitan Baptist Church, Washington, DC

My Week

What a week...

The week began with a wonderful worship experience. As I walked into Metropolitan, my church home, the choir was singing, "I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me...". Instant tears just the song I needed to fill my spirit. The service continued along that line and I left knowing why I missed this church so much. Service ended with choir singing "I'm still here".
After church me and a friend that came down from the NY to help me move in ventured out to do some necessary shopping, when I got a disturbing call telling me my mother had a seizure and had been rushed to the hospital. Immediate guilt set in from me moving so far away, but thankfully she was later released and is currently doing just fine.

Knowing she was fine... I began my new job just as I was expected and thankfully I was thrown right into work. I've always hated the first week or so of work when they expect you to "read about the organization" and "get adjusted". The best way for me to get adjusted is to get right to work. This week was busy filled with planning for an upcoming conference in Rhode Island, our upcoming Annual, and mid year staff reviews. And after reading all of my staff's personnel files, all I can say is that I have an interesting bunch.

Other than work I haven't done much since I have been back. Dinner with a friend and former date. A movie with a friend. But that was my week... I am going to bed now I am tired.

Where was I on September 11, 2001?

I had just arrived to work at the John F. Kennedy Center, fashionably late as usual. My office was right across from the IT Department and I could see them watching the Today show in their office... at the time it was still thought that the first tower had been hit by a small plane. We were all glued to the TV in disbelief...

And then the second plane hit and we instantly knew it wasn't an accident, but had no clue of exactly what was going on. The crowd around the little 13inch TV grew larger as we watched eager for more information.

Then someone came down the hall screaming the Pentagon was on fire... many of us in disbelief ran up several flights of stairs, only to look across the Potomac and realize America was under attack. The Kennedy Center sits right next to the Saudi Arabian Embassy, so it was evacuated immediately. I sat on Constitution Avenue in between Union Station and the U.S. Capitol when the news came out that another plane was approaching DC. I have never heard this city so quiet... we prayed, we feared.

Finally making it out of the city... I sat on my friend Wayne's porch trying to reach family and friends to let them know I was ok, as we smoked several blunts and watched the endless repeats of coverage on the news. It was definitely a day I will never forget.

Getting acclimated and settled in...
see you guys next week.

5 Things I will Miss About ATL: #5 My Friends

I totally believe that your friends are the family you get to choose. I also believe that my friends either compliment something I like about myself or would like for myself. Whether it is their sense of style, infectious sense of humor, ability to take nothing too seriously or their ivy league education... each of my friends has something unique they bring to our friendship.

I spend alot of time on the weekends with my friends. Whether it is bouncing from house party to house party... having lunch... or just hanging around the house or pool, we can usually be found together on the weekends at some point. Occassionaly through the week we get together for dinner or if something good is coming on TV, we are together laughing it up with a drink in hand.

There is Tracee, Farod, DJ, Rocky, Damian, Larry,and a few others. These are my boys and my girl, and I will miss spending the weekends and several days through the week with them. After a very difficult 2006, these guys made my 2007 so far so much better.

But an occasional trip back to the A, will get me through.

Welcome to the A

Once again it is my honor to welcome all to Atlanta's Annual Black Pride Celebration. By the emails, phone calls, and online messages I see that this will be yet again a well attended event... and as a Georgia resident for yet a few more days we welcome you and your tax dollars to Hotlanta.

However on behalf of Shirley Franklin and the police chiefs of Fulton County PD, DeKalb County PD, and Atlanta City Police lets go over some ground rules:
  • Stealing from Lenox Mall will have you arrested and embarrased. A friend that manages a store there has already told me that some punk was arressted for trying to steal from Neimans this past weekend... and instead of the side door they took him right out the front entrance... what a gag.

  • Leave the Str8s alone. For some reason they often forget or want to pretend to forget that it is gay pride, then walk around the mall trying to figure out why the mall is gayer than usual. (if that is even possible)

  • When hanging out in Piedmont Park on Sunday.... please remember the park closes at dusk and there is no restroom or exit in the bushes behind the tennis courts.
I feel it is my duty to remind you again this year, on Monday (Tuesday if you just must) we ask that you pack your bags and take only what you brought with you or have receipts for and go home… Atlanta is currently at its homo resident limit and currently way over our traffic capacities, so no new residents at this time!!

But on the real tip enjoy your Labor Day weekend everyone whether you are here in ATL, Miami or wherever.

5 Things I Will Miss About ATL: #4 Being in the South

The fourth thing I will be missing about being in Atlanta, is also one thing I won't miss. And that is being in the south. There are some aspects of being in the south I love and there are others that I could definitely do without.

I will definitely miss being driving distance to my mother. Out of my entire family my mother is the person I am closest to. Being an only child to a single mother, kind of requires that. While there are aspects of my life that are not discussed, she is the only person in my family that really knows me.

I will also miss being close to my Alma mater, Auburn University. Auburn was a great time for me. Of course I learned a lot I walked away with 2 degrees in 4 years, but more importantly I learned so much about myself and relationships as well. Before attending I was quite nervous about going to a predominately white college in the middle of nowhere in Alabama. But the very first time my mother drove me on to the campus... I knew this was going to be home.

Being in the south has a few perks... but the slow fullness, segregation and lack of diversity are things that make moving north worth it.

After the Destruction

Once again the journalists at the Washington Post have done a great job in covering a story. As we mark the 2nd year since Katrina you should check out
videojournalist Travis Fox returned to Nola to cover the recovery and revitalization efforts within the city.

Always remembering, Nigel Alexander Baptiste-Williams
March 12, 1989 - August 30, 2005

Keeping Diddy Relevant Season Finale

Ok so Diddy finally Made the Band last night. And I don't recall them saying anything about how the audience voted but that was probably cause I was paying very little attention to the show. But anyway the band is Qwanell, Willie, Robert, Brian A., and for some odd reason Mike. Can someone explain why Mike made it ?

And to appease the white folks... Donnie got a solo deal. I actually like his voice and could see him in a boy band but a solo deal with Bad Boy is about as useful as... well... hell you name 4 Bad Boy solo artist?

5 Things I Will Miss About ATL: #3 The Nightlife

Atlanta's night life is by far not the most idealic, however it is probably one of the best out there right now.

Whether you are looking for the gay, straight, or mixed crowd... Atlanta has what alot of other cities doesn't have and that is options. Sunday through Saturday there is always a spot open to go to. On Sunday alone there are three different gay clubs open... Friday and Saturday there are four. And for these options... I will miss the Atlanta nightlife.

I'm Feeling a Tammy Faye Cry Coming On

Well Fox 5 here in Atlanta reported last night that the good Bishop Thomas Weeks but a public beating on his wife, Juanita Bynum recently. Weeks described as a 'bishop, prophet, conference host, and highly sought after motivational speaker' was still being sought after by Police at the time of the newscast.

Weeks and Bynum are the leaders of the Global Destiny ministry which has churches in Washington, DC, Los Angeles, London and here in Atlanta. As well as a huge television and online following at .

While of course there are three sides to every story... Juanita's is quite a sad and salicous story. According to Fox 5

ATLANTA (FOX 5) -- Atlanta police said Wednesday that well-known television minister, Juanita Bynum, became the victim of domestic abuse after her husband savagely beat her in a hotel parking lot Tuesday night.

A relative of Reverend Bynum told FOX 5 News that the Reverend Bynum and her husband, Bishop Thomas Weeks, are in the middle of a separation.The relative said the two agreed to meet Tuesday night in the dining room of the Renaissance Hotel near Hartsfield-Jackson airport.The meeting reportedly did not go well and ended with Bishop Weeks leaving abruptly. The relative said Reverend Bynum followed him to the parking lot where the two exchanged words.

According to an Atlanta Police Department report, that's when Weeks allegedly attacked her. In a statement to police, Reverend Bynum said her husband, Thomas Weeks, "choked her, pushed her down, kicked her and stomped her in the Renaissance parking lot." Ronald Campbell of the APD said a bellhop at the hotel saw the attack, intervened and stopped it.

Officer Campbell said Reverend Bynum suffered multiple bruises and swelling and
required hospitalization.

Don't know about you guys but for some reason I am feeling a tearful, apologetic, "I've Sinned Against the Lawd" sermon coming this Sunday.

You better preach gurl!!

5 Things I Will Miss About ATL: #2 Phipps Plaza

Directly across the street from the overpopulated Lenox Mall (thanks MARTA!!) is a less visited jewel to Atlanta... Phipps Plaza. Phipps sits less than a mile from my house and I can be found there a couple times a month.

Whether it is a Saturday afternoon and I want to catch a movie away from the masses... or a Sunday afternoon and I want to see what my favorite stores Theory, CoOp, and Sisley have in. I always feel I can shop or browse (which I do most often) without running into 100 homos and College Park's finest. It is a rare occasion when I can remember being in one of the stores with more than 8 other people at the same time.

Phipps was also the first time I got to see Janet Jackson, Faith and T.I. up close and personal. I will definitely miss my lil shopping haven.

5 Things I will Miss About ATL: #1 Elizabeth Baptist Church

I can't remember a time growing up when church wasn't a constant. There was always two services on Sunday and bible class on Wednesday. Vacation Bible School every summer and once I was a teenager there were the weeklong camps held at universities across the country.

During college my attendence dwindled, but it wasn't until I was an adult when I realized how important spiritual fullfilment was to my life. I discovered this with the help of Metropolitan Baptist Church, which I am excited to finally be returning to.

But after visiting countless churches here in Atlanta, it was only Elizabeth Baptist Church that fed my soul and not only had me eager to return, but had me telling everyone about it. It is truly a unique worshiping experience. It is everything that I enjoy... a good message, uplifting singing (even from the Mens Choir... which tend to be dull and boring), and a timely service. But the thing that suprises me the most about the multigenerational EBC, is how the service and church are led by quite a youthful staff. Craig L. Oliver the pastor is in his mid 30s, and the ministerial staff that I have had the opportunity to see when Oliver was away have all been in their early 20s. When I asked one of the elder members I sat next to one Sunday, she simplied replied "it is a beautiful thing to see the young folks so active nowdays". Inspring as well, if you ask me.

For anyone looking for a church experience, I highly recommend checking this church out. You can watch the services live or On Demand at It will definitely be apart of any of my weekend trips to ATL.

Danny will Always be My Winner

Congratulations to Sabra... but Danny will always be my favorite